Chapter 11

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"What? What could be even better than finding out that you have a twin sister?" Tessa asked.
"Ice cream cake." I said.
"Ughh! Harley, seriously!"
"Alright. Well, what I was thinking is that we could switch places!" I said enthusiastically.
Tessa just looked at me blankly. "Switch... places?"
"Yeah. Like, you go home as me to see Dad and I would go home as you and see Mom." I explained.
"Ohh. That sounds cool. Except for one thing."
"What's that?"
"We act nothing alike."
"Hmm, you're right." I thought for a second, then said, "What if I teach you about myself? I tell you who all my friends are, some phrases I say, and stuff like that." I said.
"Alright, but do you really think we can pull it off?" Tessa asked nervously.
"We have about two months left of camp. I think so. Whaddaya say, partner?" I stuck out my hand.
Tessa shook it. "Sure. Whatever. But if it fails, it's on you." She warned.
"Alright. First things first. Houses. Make a floor plan of your house. I'll make one of mine."
That day at dinner, we showed each other our house plans. We explained to each other whos bedroom is whos, what foods we eat and avoid, and what kind of clothes we wear. Just the basics.
The next day we worked on speech. Like how I say 'how about no' a lot and Tessa has a really high-pitched happy voice.
We also learned each others friends, who we get along with, who we hate, and stuff like that. That one took a whole week to memorize all Tessa's friends.
The following week, we just did little things. I learned that Tessa is obsessed with Maddie and MacKenzie Ziegler. I giggled when she said that.
"Shut up!" She snapped. "What's your secret obsession?"
"Well, I can quote most of the first Sandlot movie." I shrugged.
"Oh no! I need to memorize all that?" Tessa cried.
"Yep. I guess so. I have the movie ok my phone, so watch that when you go home."
"Alright, fine. Do you do any sports?" Tessa asked.
"No... I play baseball after school sometimes, though." I supplied.
Tessa groaned. "Now I have to learn how to play baseball, too?"
"Yeah, if we want to pull this off."
Tessa took a deep breath. "Alright. How do you play baseball?"
"So... like this?" Tessa 'threw' the ball.
"Hard no." I said. I held her arm at a ninety degree angle. "So you hold the ball here, and let go when it's here." I held her arm so her hand was a few inches away from her ear.
"Okay." Tessa tried to throw the baseball again. It landed about four feet in front of her. Better than last time, but I'm a pitcher. I throw fast and far.
I rubbed my temples. "I think we are gonna need more practice, Tessa. I'm a pitcher. Do you know what that is?"
"Yeah. They throw the ball, right?"
"Yes. Kind of. Major Leaguers throw it a hundred miles an hour. I throw about eighty. You throw, like, negative seventeen."
Tessa sighed. "Omg! I have an idea!"
"Don't say omg."
"Okay, but what if I pretend to, like, sprain my wrist or something? Then I wouldn't have to pitch!"
"Huh, that's pretty smart. I guess that will work. But how are we gonna get the cast thing?"
"We could... sneak into the office?" Tessa suggested.
"No. We can't do that. Well get kicked out!"
"We pretty much already are kicked out. It's probably that our parents spent lots of money for us to go here, and we can't just go home. There's still a little more than a month left of camp."
"That's true. But what will happen if we get removed a second time? Maybe they will send us home."
"Well, let's take our chances." Tessa shrugged.
I groaned. "Fine."
Tessa smiled at me. "Now you're acting like me."
"Hmm. I guess I am."
We walked to the office just as the lunch bell signaled everyone to go to the lunch room. Mrs. Georgia was going to the lunchroom, too. Probably to stop any potential food fights. Perfect for me and Tessa because we could sneak into the nurse's office. I peeked into the door to see if Ms. Destiny, the camp nurse, was in there. Luckily, she was on her lunch break as well.
"Alright, Harley. Go on in." Tessa told me.
I gave her a quizzical look. "What? Me? It was your idea!"
"Fine, fine. I'll go."
"Yeah. I thought so."
Tessa sneaked into the office and looked in the cabinets while i stayed outside looking at the front door just in case anyone walks in.
I didn't see anyone come in, so I walked in the nurse's office with Tessa. "There's no one out there. We're good." Just then we heard a door open and close. "Nurse Destiny!" I whispered in a panic.
"Quick! Harley, let's hide under here!" Tessa pointed to the desk. I was about to protest, but realized that Ms. Destiny will find me if I don't move my butt under that desk, and fast.
I slid on the floor and was entirely under the desk right as Nurse Destiny opened the door.
She went over to the counter, which was on the opposite side of the room that the desk was on, and looked through a couple cabinets until she pulled out a bag of god knows what out of a low cabinet. She turned around to the desk and me and Tessa held our breath.
She grabbed a coffee cup from her desk top and left. We waited under the desk for a minute after she left, then crawled out.
We both breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. "Alright. Grab the wrist brace and let's get out of here." I said. Tessa walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a wrist brace. We looked into the hallway just in case there was someone around and left the office.


Hey, humans! If you have any suggestions about the story or what should happen next, please comment! I am open to ideas. Also, I'm so sorry for not posting constantly! Love ya! XOXO, Lia

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