Chapter 1

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 You had almost convinced yourself that the Avengers could handle this fight without help. They were the Avengers after all, Earth's mightiest heroes and all that. You focused on your task, shepherding civilians further into the hospital, your current place of employment. Your gaze kept going back to the battle, despite your better judgment. The battle was raging right outside the hospital's doors. It was the Avengers and some people in black outfits vs a group of robots and monsters.

They didn't need help.

You didn't have to blow your cover, expose yourself and your powers because they didn't need help.

They. Did. Not. Need. Help.

They were doing just find on their own.

It wasn't your responsibility. None of this was your responsibility.

It was not your responsibility. You had a nice little life pretending to be normal working as a nurse. This was not the time to destroy that.

Until you saw the monster throw Thor from the sky. He hit the ground so hard, it cratered around him and he was in a Thor-shaped hole at least a foot deep in the middle of the street. You watched for him to get up, but he didn't.

He didn't.

He didn't.

You had to move then. Honor and duty demanded it. You stripped off your gloves, cursed yourself for making this stupid-ass decision, donned your black battle armor with magic, and teleported into battle, appearing directly in front of Thor, dagger in one hand, bolt of green magic in the other. "Brother?" Thor's voice asked from behind you as you stood between the monster and him. You heard the heartbreak and fear in his voice. He thought Loki was here. He thought his little brother was here, putting himself in danger to save Thor. "Brother, no! It is too dangerous. He's too strong!" Thor shouted as you leapt into battle, viciously fighting the monster with daggers, magic, and ice. You didn't blame Thor for the mistake, not at all. Not when you were wearing black, fighting with daggers and magic, had a thin frame, and raven hair that went down to your shoulders. His conclusion was obvious, if incorrect. You also didn't correct it at the moment.

Instead, you slew the monster, using your centuries of combat experience and training to kill the beast. Thor was back on his feet when the monster was slain. You saw the hurt and hatred in his eyes when he finally got a good look at you, finally realized for sure that you were not Loki.

You vanished your weapons except for the last and stepped toward him. When you were the exact prescribed distance in front of him, you dropped to one knee, drawing your dragonfang blade and laying it in front of you in offering to your prince. You placed your right fist over your heart and bowed your head. "Your highness," you bid him formally as the battle continue to rage around you. You were duty bound to the throne of Asgard.

"You're a Valkyrie?" he asked in disbelief. You could still hear the hurt and anger in his voice. He hadn't gotten over thinking that you were Loki in that moment.

"Yes, your highness," you replied, moving your arm to show him the tattoo there.

"Thor, stop playing with your new friend and help us!" Ironman yelled as he flew past.

"Help us defeat these foes. We will deal with this later," Thor ordered. He swung Mjolnir and flew back into the battle proper. You rose and did as you were told, helping the Avengers with their foes.

You were surrounded by the team when the battle was over. It took all of your willpower to vanish your weapons when they all were glaring at you. "Who are you?" Captain America demanded. "Are you sure this isn't your brother in disguise?" He added to Thor, who nodded.

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