Chapter 11

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"Did...did they just get married?" Tony demanded. You and Loki both glared over at him. He visibly gulped. You were both still in your armor. With a shimmer of magic you changed back to your comfortable tunic and leggings. You smirked when you realized Loki had done the same, returning to his casual Asgardian clothes too.

"No," you replied simply as you took Loki's hand and flipped it over to make sure he had healed the cut properly.

"Darling, trust my healing skills for a simple cut," he scolded you lightly.

"I have to check," you reminded him firmly, especially when he flipped your wrist over to make sure the sigil was back in place properly. You huffed at him and rolled your eyes as he used magic to heal the cut on your palm now that the ceremony was over.

"I have to check too," he replied just as firmly. You both laughed. It was just like old times.

"Are we sure that's really Loki and Y/N?" Stark asked. "They're really different now,"

"Can I stab him?" you pouted at Loki, annoyed at Stark for the third time this morning.

He smirked, took a step back from you and made an elegant gesture toward Tony. "Be my guest, Lady Valkyrie," you drew a dagger from thin air and took a step towards Tony. Thor's hand clapped on your shoulder, halting you before you could stab Tony.

"Why don't you and Loki go play somewhere quieter? I will entertain my friends," Thor 'suggested'. He had made that exact same suggestion many, many times over the years.

"Fine," you grumbled and vanished the blade. You kissed Thor's cheek grumpily and took Loki's hand. "Breakfast?" you asked him warmly.

"That sounds like an excellent suggestion," he replied and kissed your temple. You stepped out of the room while the others just stared at how adorable you were. You changed back to Midgardian clothes outside of the fake Asgard Loki had made.

"Seriously, are you sure those aren't imposters? Loki and Y/N are sullen grumpy things. Who are those puke-inducingly adorable people?" Tony demanded. You paused by the door to the lab to eavesdrop.

You heard sounds of impact. "Stark, you ass. Those are the real Loki and Y/N, the ones who are accepted and loved, not shunned," Nat's voice another smack and a yelp from Tony. "I've seen that happy side of Y/N before and we've caught glimpses of it from Loki,"

"I have not seen Loki this happy in all the years they were separated, though we did not remember the reason for his change in demeanor and sorrow,"

"Why are none of you remembering that he tried to take over the world?" Tony demanded. "He's here on house arrest for us to babysit." You reached up and touched Loki's cheek, reassuringly. He gave you a small smile.

"It was mind control, Stark. We've been over this," Clint replied, surprisingly standing up for Loki. "All the shit we've been through, you have to learn to move on. He hasn't done anything since he's been here except try to reestablish a relationship with Y/N,"

You took Loki's hand more firmly and led him from the lab. That was enough eavesdropping. "Stupid Stark barging into our room," you grumbled, all of this was ultimately his fault.

He laughed. "It wasn't really our room, Kyrie-love. He was just letting me borrow it for the day," he reminded you.

"It was ours for the duration of the borrowing," you grumbled insistently. He laughed harder as you rode the elevator back up to the main floor. You sounded like him occasionally, especially when you said things like that.

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