Chapter 47

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You took Loki's arm and walked with him to dinner. You were definitely wearing your wings tonight. The Valkyrie needed to see that you accepted and appreciated their sacrifice. They needed to see that you were wearing their feathers, their sacrificed memories, with pride and honor. So even though you would get stared at by all of the court, the nobles, the Valkyrie, you would display your new wings with pride. It was strange to see all the different colored feathers in your wings. You'd changed so much in that moment, and it would take awhile to get used to it. Different colored feathers didn't seem like much in comparison to everything you'd been through.

You were just so used to looking nearly identical to Lady Loki. There had been days when you were younger when no one had been able to tell the two of you apart until you grew your raven colored wings. Loki had always been jealous of them. He and Thor had both decided they were going to be Valkyrie when they grew up. They'd both been such fanboys. It took a long time for them to come to grips with the fact that they couldn't become Valkyrie because they hadn't been born to it and they weren't female. They'd been devastated the day your mother had told them that harsh truth. Loki had stayed female for a month in protest, but it hadn't helped. For all that Loki could be female whenever he wanted, he hadn't been born a Valkyrie and could never be one.

You smiled fondly at the memory and walked with Loki, your wings on display with pride. You it to the great hall and made your way up to the head table. You noted the comments and whispers from the court as you made your way to the head table. They'd never seen the Valkyrie's Blessing before, but the tale was spreading like wildfire through the court of what you'd done to save their prince and what the Valkyrie had done in return to save you.

Loki pulled out your chair for you and kissed your cheek as he seated you. You smiled up at hm and kissed his cheek in return. He took his seat next to you and dinner began shortly later. It still felt weird that you were a princess now and your place wasn't just at the head table for being Loki's Valkyrie. You spent dinner chatting with Loki, Frigga, and occasionally Thor, as per usual. Odin usually didn't talk to you, which was fine most of the time.

After dinner, the dancing began as usual and you went out onto the dance floor with your husband to dance the first dance of the night with him. You were all grace on the dance floor as usual and the entire court watched your display.

You kissed Loki at the end of the dance in front of everyone and the court loved it as usual. You two were an adorable couple and you knew you were the darlings of the court. A prince and princess. A prince and his Valkyrie. It was a perfect pairing.

"There is a matter I must discuss with my mother. Would you excuse me for a moment, husband?" you asked Loki. You had to be polite in front of the court though you'd never speak that formally in private. Loki would also know that this conversation was important to you for you to leave him during the dancing/socializing part of the evening. Especially for leaving your charge less than fully defended. But he wouldn't do anything stupid while you were across the room having a conversation with your mother. He'd likely stay with Thor and Sif, or his mother while you were occupied.

Loki inclined his head. "Of course, my love. I would never deny you a conversation with your mother," he told you warmly.

You leaned up to kiss him softly before you made you way over to where your mother was standing against the wall, watching the dancing. You kept one eye on Loki while you went to talk to her. Predictably he went to speak with his own mother. "Kyrie?" your mother asked when you approached. "Is everything alright?" It was unlike you to leave Loki alone in such a crowded place.

"Everything is fine, but a matter came up that I wished to discuss with you, sooner than later," you explained. She nodded and the pair of you stepped far enough away that your conversation would be private, but remained where you could see your husband. Your Valkyrie instincts and training insisted on keeping an eye on your charge.

"What matter did you wish to discuss, darling?" your mother asked, drawing your attention from Loki back to the matter at hand.

You sighed and dropped your formal demeanor. You didn't have to be so formal in front of her. "I've realized that in marrying Loki, I not only became a princess, but I've also become the highest ranked, the most powerful, Valkyrie in the realms," your mother inclined her head, confirming what you thought. "Are there duties that come with being the highest ranked Valkyrie that I am not performing?" you asked, dreading the idea that you were neglecting your duty.

"There are some things you will take over when you and Loki return to Asgard permanently. I will teach you of them when the time is right. Your main duty right now is protecting your charge," your mother reminded you. You nodded. "I am continuing those duties in your absence. It is not unheard of and you are not shirking," she reassured you. You sighed in relief and nodded. Your mother spoke again before the relief could truly sink in. "However, there is something you must consider. Odin has not named an official heir and needs to do so soon. Thor is still unwed,"

She paused and you couldn't believe her next words.

"You must prepare for the possibility that you and Loki may inherit the throne of Asgard,"

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