Chapter 50

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You left early the next morning to return to Midgard. There were things you had to take care of there before Loki and Thor took the trials of the throne. Your mother had said that you would have until after the mess with Red Skull, the man you'd brought back to life, was fixed. By fixed, you meant had killed him really, really dead. Again.

He hadn't deserved to come back to life in the first place.

He was only back among the living because you'd had no choice in order to save your Loki's life. Your duty to him was more important than anything else. It was your entire life, especially as he was your husband.

But now you had to clean up the mess you'd made.

So you said your goodbyes to your mother and Mama Frigga and returned to Midgard with Thor. It was heartbreaking to leave Asgard, but you knew you'd be back again. Asgard would always be there to welcome you home.

With that thought, you returned to Midgard and your other home. The bifrost let you out right next to the Avenger's tower as per usual. The three of you headed inside and the team hugged Thor and Nat hugged Loki since she couldn't safely hug you. You hated that you had to stand apart from them, had to don gloves to keep them safe. You hated that you couldn't even show that small amount of affection to your friends.

Nat gave you a warm smile and clapped your shoulder, where your clothes would protect her from your cold skin. "Glad to see you home," she said warmly and you couldn't help grinning at her thoughtfulness and kindness.

"It's good to be back, and it's good to remember everything again," you told her, truly relieved to remember her, to remember everything you'd been through, especially bringing her back from the dead.

"It worked then? You remember?" Nat asked hopefully. The rest of the team looked over so they could hear your answer too.

You nodded. "I remember everything," you started, then told them the entire story of what had happened on Asgard and how you'd gotten your memories back from the Valkyries' Blessing. It was a long explanation. You looked at Cap when you'd finished. "Have you guys had any luck finding Red Skull?" you were anxious to get on with your mission.

There were more important things in your life than one soon to be re-dead mortal.

Like the trials Loki would be facing.

And potentially ruling Asgard.

But you'd set the monster loose, so you had to deal with him now.

"Surprisingly, yes," Cap replied.

"He hasn't been very subtle," Stark said and you had a feeling he was expecting a trap.

"I think he's taunting us," Clint chimed in with an eyeroll.

The team jumped in with what they had found out about what Red Skull was up to and his location. You spent the next couple of days working with the team on a plan for how to deal with him and his cronies.

Finding Red Skull was uneventful. He showed himself on the third day, drawing you into what he thought was a trap. Moron. You arrived in full force and full armor, prepared to deal with the threat with the entire team behind you.

Killing him was less eventful still.

Surprisingly enough, parting his head from his body with your dragonfang blade was most effective in killing him again. He deserved a less dignified death, but you were going for speed instead of finesse.

No, the more eventful part of this was when you knelt next to the body. You glanced at Loki, who nodded. He would look after your body and keep you safe while you were gone. You closed your eyes and when you opened them and stood, you were standing in Helheim.

Red Skull was rising from his mangled body as you arrived. He sneered at you. "Come to take me back to Valhalla where I belong?" he demanded. At least he accepted that he was dead.

You gave him an innocent smile in return. "I'm here to lead you," you agreed. You led his spirit through Helheim, slaying wraiths as you went. He stayed close, realizing that this realm was more dangerous than he'd first thought. So you continued to lead him and he didn't cause you any trouble.

You arrived at a huge castle and pounded on the door. It swung open and you walked confidently inside. He was still acting cocky. "This place looks more like it," he sneered at you.

Stupid mortal.

You didn't comment as you lead him to the throne room, where the dark haired woman and her giant wolf were waiting.

You smirked up at her. "Hello, queen Hela," you greeted her familiarly. You'd seen the goddess of death plenty over the centuries of escorting souls.

"Valkyrie Y/N," she greeted you with a polite head bow. "What have you brought for me?"

"A man who tortured and tried to kill my charge, a man who stole my memories. A man who hurt one of your valkyrie." Hela was the patron goddess over all of the Valkyrie and took all of your safety very seriously. Especially as you visited her realm so often.

Hela inclined her head and Red Skull was finally starting to realize that he was in trouble. She smirked down at the man. "I believe I know just the spot in Nastrond for just a man," she said too pleasantly.

Instead of bringing Red Skull to Valhalla, you'd brought him to eternal punishment.

He never, ever should have messed with your Loki. 

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