Chapter 26

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Thor burst into your suite at dawn as promised. "You two better be dressed," he growled, but found you and Loki sitting and reading on the couch in the sittingroom, perfectly dressed and ready to leave.

"Your brother is loud in the morning," you whined at Loki as you stood and vanished your book.

"So you've been saying since we were five. I still don't know what you expect me to do about it," Loki replied, just as he always had.

"We need to return to Midgard," Thor reminded you both.

You sighed. "We know, Thor. It's just. I haven't been home in 900 years..." Thor wrapped you in his warm too muscled arms.

"I know, Kyrie, I know, but we have responsibilities on Midgard. None of us can stay here right now, but we'll come back and visit longer soon, I swear," Thor told you kindly. You nodded against his chest. "Come along, children. We've let our friends worry over us long enough," Thor bid you kindly and wrapped his arm around your shoulders while Loki protested for him to unhand you. Loki came up on your other side and you walked through the halls with your boys supportive on either side.

Frigga and your mother met you in the entrance hall. You hugged your mother while the boys said goodbye to Frigga. "I expect all three of you to come home for a proper visit for Yule," Frigga told you all firmly before she'd let you leave.

"Yes, Mother," answered the boys obediently.

With that taken care of, you and Loki teleported the three of you to the Bifrost. Heimdall opened the Bifrost for you and you went through with tears in your eyes after one last look at home. You didn't want to leave again, not after you'd finally been allowed home. "It will be alright, Kyrie-love. Yule is next month. We'll be back home soon," Loki reminded you when he caught your expression when you had reappeared next to the Avenger's tower.

"Thanks, Lohk," you told him softly and the three of you trudged into the tower.

"Where were you? What happened?" Cap demanded when you showed yourselves in the living room. You glared and stepped forward, automatically moving to defend your charges from his anger.

"We had to return suddenly to Asgard," Thor told him. "There was not time to inform anyone. There was an attack against Kyrie and the only way to diffuse it was to get her to our healers," Thor was leaving out that it was Odin who had attacked you. It would just upset the others.

"I thought you were exiled?" Nat asked, not unkindly.

You nodded shyly. "I was. The Allfather lifted my exile," you told her. She lit up in excitement.

"Congratulations!" She told you warmly. You smiled in return. She knew how much it meant to you to finally be allowed to go home. The team relaxed now that they knew you were all safe.


"Thor, can I borrow Mjolnir?" you asked one evening about a week later when you walked into the living room. Thor looked over at you from the couch where he and Loki were trying to kill each other on some fighting game.

"What for?" he asked, but gestured to the hammer, offering it. You held your hand out and Mjolnir flew to you.

"Stark and I are going to that concert tonight," you reminded him. You'd told the boys that you were going to be out tonight and going out with Stark. Neither of them had been interested in the idea of going to a concert.

"Why do you need Mjolnir for that?" Loki asked, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"Because it'll be fun and Stark bet me a hundred bucks that I wouldn't be able to get it from Thor to take it with us," you replied. Loki shrugged, accepting that answer and Thor boomed in laughter. "We're heading out now. You two try to behave," you bid them warmly. They paused the game and you kissed Thor's cheek, then kissed Loki a proper goodbye.

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