Chapter 4

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You leaned against your closed door trying to fight back emotions. It had been so hard to tell Loki what you had, and there was still 150 years of backstory that you hadn't been able to tell him yet. The revelations you had given him had been hard enough. You had a feeling he'd be breaking Frigga's spell on his own, or possibly asking for your help to do it. You knew you could and you'd gladly break that damn spell for him. Not that it was Frigga's fault that it was there. Even she couldn't disobey Odin's orders.

You could only stall for so long. There was one other thing you had to do, so you pushed yourself away from the door. "Jarvis, where's Thor?" you asked your phone. The AI was limited in the bedrooms.

"He's in training room A, Miss," Jarvis replied.

"Thanks Jarvis," you told the AI while you changed into yoga pants and a sports bra, tying your hair back as you left your room. If you were going to talk to Thor in the training room, you knew that you had to be dressed to fight it out with him. He wasn't going to be pleased either probably. "If Loki happens to come looking for me, please let him know where I went,"

"Yes, Miss,"

With that done, you made your way down to the training room. "Hey, Y/N, you ok?" Nat asked as you passed through the living room to grab a couple bottles of water from the fridge.

You nodded and gave her a tentative smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Loki's in his room. I need to go talk to Thor, but since he's down in the training room," you gestured to the workout clothes.

"Do I need to beat some sense into him for you? I know you can't do it yourself," that was true, you were duty bound to defend the throne, that did generally keep one from beating sense into said crown-wearer. At least in public. Usually. Shit. You were an awful Valkyrie at times. You beat sense into the boys more than once when they were being stupid.

You laughed in reply. "I think his mom took care of that. No, I shouldn't need him actually beaten up. If I do, I'll call you." She nodded, accepting your reassurance. "But Thunderhead always forgets to bring water with him when he's planning on working out," you held up the water bottles and Nat actually laughed.


"I'll explain later. I...kinda have to tell him first," you admitted. You waved to her and headed back to the elevator to head to the lower level where the training room was. Thor was in there working out without a shirt. Of course. You leaned against the doorjamb for a moment, watching before you cleared your throat and announced. "Hey Thunderer,"

"Valkyrie," he replied when he paused his drill to look over and see who was interrupting him. You tossed one of the bottles of water his way.

"You always forget to stay hydrated and I don't feel like carrying your unconscious ass back to your chambers. Again." You told him with a smile. He paused then and just stared at you. "How much did your Lady Mother tell you?" you asked as you stepped into the room.

"She berated me for being rude to you and hinted that things were not as they seemed. She said she could not say more, but that you were not under such constraints," Thor finally said as he obediently downed the bottle of water. You vanished the empty bottle for him when he was done.

"That's true. I'm not. I probably should have told you sooner, but..."

"I appeared to hate you, so why make it worse?" he suggested. You gave him a small smile. "You and Loki are quite similar after all," he added in explanation. You inclined your head, giving him that point.

"So, let me fill you in..." you told him everything that you had told Loki while he just stared in disbelieving shock.

"You were exiled to protect Loki's secret?" Thor finally asked. You nodded. "How can I know this is true?" he asked.

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