Chapter 19

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You woke in the bed in Loki's room, though it was quickly becoming your shared room. You realized quickly that you were taking up way more than your fair share of the bed, laying on your side with your head pillowed on Loki's chest, but your wings were spread out behind you, taking up quite a lot of bed on their own. In fact, it was amazing Loki hadn't fallen off the bed.

"Lohk, you should've woken me. Or at least shoved me back to my half of the bed," you scolded him as you sat up and dragged him more securely away from the edge of the bed. He laughed and wrapped you in a hug.

"You just moved, Kyrie-love. You were on your stomach most of the night and draped a wing over me like a blanket. It was adorable," he told you, reassuring and kissed you. "Good morning, angel," he said warmly.

"Good morning, your highness," you teased. "How long was I out?" you asked. You didn't remember anything after saving Nat. Except crashing hard in Loki's arms. That part you remembered. It had taken a lot of power to bring Nat back from the land of the dead.

"Just overnight," he replied, still reassuring. He knew how you hated losing track of time. "Lady Natasha is just fine," he added, guessing your next question. "Or she will be in a week or so when the handprint on her arm heals. Even if it weren't going to heal, she would still be grateful to be alive, so do not even think to feel guilty for it," he added quickly. You kissed him in reply. He knew you too well.

You stood stretched, stretching out your wings too as you did, trying to get used to their feel again. You also noticed that your armor was gone, replaced with a nearly completely backless halter top and pajama pants. "I take it you're to thank for the costume change?" you asked, teasing. He nodded. "Thanks,"

"Couldn't let you sleep in armor," he told you warmly as he came over to wrap his arms around you. You grinned and folded your wings carefully around him. "Mmm," he purred softly, happily in the cocoon your wings provided you both. You held him for a moment before you folded your wings against your back. They still nearly touched the floor. "The team wants to see us as soon as you're awake," Loki finally told you. He had hesitated over it, wanting to make sure you were ok first.

You sighed. "They're going to grill us on what happened, aren't they?" you whined.

"Probably. Do you want to be asleep awhile longer?" he asked. He'd cover for you and let you hide up here longer.

"No, might as well get it over with," you grumbled. "There better be breakfast involved if they're going to give us the third degree over exactly how I saved Natasha's life," you added, hunger sharpening your temper. It took a lot of power to save Nat and you were starving. On instinct, you summoned elbow-length gloves to put on before you'd leave the safety of Loki's room. He raised an eyebrow in question.

"They know not to touch you," he reminded you softly.

"I know...but..." you were uncomfortable, and they were already going to make an issue over Nat, and over your wings. You didn't want to be reminding them that you were any more of a freak than you were.

Loki kissed your forehead. "I love you, my little Valkyrie," he told you softly. "All of you,"

"I love you too," you replied, just as softly.

He smiled and took your gloved hand. "Come along, little bird. Let's go find something to eat," he bid you warmly. You laughed and went with him. He hadn't called you that in ages.

You were hesitant when you stepped off the elevator, nervous, timid and hid half behind Loki. "What are you afraid of, Kyrie?" he asked softly, both of your arms were wrapped around one of his.

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