Chapter 56

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Odin's eye widened in shock at the silver ring on Loki's finger. He couldn't seem to comprehend that the Norns had chosen Loki as the next Allfather. You saw the disbelief cross his eye again and again as he tried to figure out how this could have happened, what went wrong with his plan, and how to get out of it.

Odin looked to Thor to confirm the story and Thor nodded, unable to find words for himself. A nod was all Odin needed to see there was no getting out of it.

There was no choice. Odin had made his decision to let the Norns decide the next Allfather. He hadn't wanted to appear the bad guy in front of Frigga by playing favorites between his sons.

Odin looked to Thor to confirm the story and Thor nodded, unable to find words for himself.

Except it had backfired on him.

Thor wasn't chosen as the next Allfather.

Loki was.

And Odin still couldn't believe it. Still couldn't believe his adopted son, his adopted Jotun son was chosen as the next Allfather.

Even Odin couldn't go against the wishes of the Norns.

You saw the resignation register in his sole eye, saw it in his expression. He nodded his agreement. There was nothing else he could do. He was hamstrung by his own hubris and stupidity. If he'd wanted Thor to be the next Allfather, he should've just named him as such. Instead, he'd left it up to the Norns. You all knew that Loki would make the better king. Thor just wasn't suited to the throne.

Even though Thor was hurt now, you knew he'd realize it was the right decision soon. It was just hard on him when he'd been trained his entire life to take over the throne. He'd cleared been the favored child, the golden child. But he was a hot-head and without a diplomatic bone in his body.

Asgard didn't need war and violence, they needed a leader who could rule them through peace and diplomacy.

The realms needed Loki on the throne.

Frigga was smiling proudly and even Thor was getting over his feelings quickly at the realization that Loki would be the better king.

Odin was the last to accept it, though he had no choice. "Very well. The coronation will be tomorrow morning," he said. Of course, it had already been arranged, whoever had been chosen would be coronated the next day. Odin was stepping down as active king and staying on as advisor.

He swept from the room and you were finally able to take Loki back to his room to rest. Loki still looked like Hel warmed over. "Are you alright? What did they do to you?" you asked when you got him safely tucked into bed.

Loki hesitated, shuddering at the memory. "They tested us, physically, mentally, emotionally, gave us tests of strength and decision making. They searched through our minds, our memories, every fiber of our beings," he shuddered and you held him in your arms until he calmed again. He looked up at you with wide, frightened eyes. "I'm going to be king tomorrow," he told you softly.

It had been what he'd wanted his entire life, to be Thor's equal, to be acknowledged. Now he was and the poor dear didn't know how to deal with it.

You kissed his forehead. "And what a wonderful king you'll make," you told him warmly.

"Really?" he asked hopefully.

You nodded. "Yes, Lohk. And I'll be with you every step of the way." Loki sighed in relief remembering that he would have you as advisor and guard for all of his days. He would never face the throne alone, not with you as his queen.

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