Chapter 46

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"I remember everything!" you told Loki ecstatically as your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Your memories came flooding back, healed and restored by the sacrifice of your fellow Valkyrie and the trainees.

Loki's arms tightened around you and he held you to him with a desperation in his grip. "I thought I had lost you, my darling," he told you softly as he held you while the Valkyrie cheered around you. Your sisters in the Valkyrie were all beyond pleased that you had gotten your memories back, that their Blessing had restored you.

You loosened your grip on Loki to pull back enough that you could kiss him and kiss him well. Loki kissed you back, pulling you tight to him as he kissed you deeply. "I missed you, my wife," he told you when he finally broke the kiss. There were more cheers from your Valkyrie sisters at the deep kiss. You hadn't realized what you'd lost while you couldn't remember Loki. You realized now how hurt he had been by your loss. He had thought he had lost you forever. You had still been there physically, but you hadn't been you. Even more dangerous was that you had all your strength and skills. And no memories on how to actively use them.

No wonder they had been so desperate to get your memories back as quickly as possible.

You kissed Loki softly again before you turned to the gathered Valkyrie. You had to thank them for what they did, though your words wouldn't be enough. Not for the sacrifice they'd made for you. Loki placed his hand on your shoulder, offering you his strength and support.

"My sisters, I do not have the words to properly thank you for what you have done. There are no mere words that would be sufficient. I know the sacrifice each of you made to restore me and I am beyond honored. I not only have to thank you as a fellow Valkyrie, but as your princess," you told them and bowed to them deeply. "So I offer you my most sincere gratitude and I swear to you that I will be worthy of the sacrifice you have all made for me on this day,"

As you rose, you saw them each drop to one knee, kneeling before you. You realized something that you hadn't quite considered yet. Loki was the only member of the royal family with a Valkyrie of his own. Odin didn't have a personal Valkyrie, though there was always at least one on duty to him, none were assigned personally, like you were. He hadn't taken a liking to any of them after he'd gotten married. Thor had never taken to one either, and there had to be some kind of relationship between a Valkyrie and their charge or the bond just didn't work out. So Loki was the only member of the royal family with an active-duty Valkyrie assigned to him, who was also married to him.

That technically made you the highest ranking Valkyrie in the land. You now outranked them all, since you were a princess on top of being a Valkyrie.

You were the ruler of all the Valkyrie.

You weren't sure it was a responsibility you were prepared for. In fact, you were sure you weren't. You were equally sure that you were missing a lot of information about what your responsibilities were. You made a note to yourself to get with your mother later and find out what responsibilities you had acquired unknowingly when you'd gotten married.

"Rise, please," you told them, unused to anyone kneeling or bowing to you. To your husband, to your family, of course, but not to you. It was another thing you'd have to get used to. Quickly.

You could practically feel Loki chuckling at your discomfort and would have to throw him on his ass for it later. Or challenge him to the sparring drills. Same diff.

Your mother approached you as the Valkyrie rose to return to their own duties. "Daughter, you should rest. The Valkyrie's Blessing is tiring for all of us," she bid you.

You nodded wearily. "Yes, mother," you agreed and realized the rest of the Valkyrie were heading to get rest as well, not return to their duties as you first thought. You saw those who had personal assignments were greeted by their charges. The charges fretted over their exhausted weak Valkyrie to take care of them for once.

Loki's arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you to him and on your feet. You hadn't realized the bone-numbing exhaustion until the excitement had faded. Now, you were barely keeping your feet under you. "Let's get you to bed, my darling," Loki bid you warmly. He nodded to your mother and kissed Frigga on the cheek before he led you from the room. He swept you into his arms to carry you to bed.

For once, you didn't protest, knowing that all the Valkyrie were in the same condition. Frigga made a comment to the Einherjar to increase security while the Valkyrie were out of commission. There wasn't much that could take you all out at the same time.

The Valkyrie's Blessing was one of those few things.


While you rested, you dreamed of memories that weren't your own. Of battles and loves. Of small secrets, hidden dangers. It all felt real, all felt like things you had known and experienced. You felt like you were living through the things you saw.

But you knew the memories weren't your own.

They belonged to the Valkyrie who had given them up to repair your memories.

So you honored their sacrifice by viewing the memories they had given you. You would hold them within you for them for all of your days.


You couldn't help staring at yourself in the mirror while you got dressed for dinner that night. Your wings had been the same raven color as your hair. You'd had them as long as you could remember. Now, the wings were still there, but the feathers were all different colors. They would never go back to the way they were. You'd been changed by the sacrifice of your sisters.

You'd been given a second chance.

There would be no third.

"Your wings are as beautiful as ever, my love," Loki purred in your ear. "They are simply more exotic now," you couldn't help the smile at his reassuring words and turned to kiss him, glad that he was able to accept you for who you were, just as he always had. 

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