Chapter 6

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 "Kyrie darling, you might want to wake up before the oaf comes looking for us again," Loki's voice was warm as his cold hand was on your shoulder, shaking you gently awake. It didn't take much, you were usually a light sleeper. You opened your eyes and saw that Loki was sitting against the headboard propped up with pillows, a book in his hands. For a moment it was just like old times.

You sat up a little shyly, 900 years had passed, you weren't kids taking a nap after lessons anymore. You had both changed over the centuries. The question was how much? The more important question was if there was still enough of a spark to rekindle your relationship or even your friendship after all of this time?

You gave him a mischievous smirk. "I guess I have some skills that are useful to you in the bedroom after all," you teased, testing the waters to see if your friendship was still welcome after all of this time.

"So it appears," he replied, but the smirk and glint in his eyes gave his amusement away. You both burst into laughter. Maybe, just maybe.

"Thanks for letting me stay. You really didn't have to," you told him as you got out of the bed. You did need to leave before Thor came looking for you again. Explaining why you were in Loki's room first thing in the morning was not something you really felt like doing. To anyone. But most especially not to Thor who would completely misunderstand.

Loki stood too, setting his book aside. "It was no trouble. The least I could do was make sure you were safe while you slept, you did me a couple of large favors last night, for which I thank you as well. Mother's magic was difficult and tricky, as I would expect from her. The assistance with it was much appreciated," his voice was bordering on too formal, too shy, as if you were strangers. Which you essentially were again...

It was so hard knowing him so well and not at all.

"Of course. Though I really should sneak out of here before we have to try to explain to Thunderhead why I spent the night here. That is not a conversation I wish to have..." you teased. He flushed a little.

"Nor I," he replied. With a smirk he waved his hand and there was an explosion somewhere in the tower. "That should buy you some time," he grinned at you.

"Thanks, Lohk!" you replied and darted from the room with a wave. "See you at breakfast!" you added and closed the door behind you before he could protest that he wasn't hungry or wasn't going to hang out with Thor and his idiot friends.

You ducked into your room, changed into clean clothes, and grabbed your phone before strolling downstairs to see what the plans were for breakfast.

Since everyone else was dealing with the explosion, you made breakfast. You also made sure to mark it on the tally next to the stove that you had made the meal. You tried to take turns and the tally board was to make sure things didn't get too unfair with everyone's hectic schedules. There was a separate tally board next to one of the windows in the window which currently read '5 days since last defenestration'. Bruce had stubbed his toe, which pissed off the Hulk, which led to Tony being thrown through the window while trying to calm him down. No one ever said life in the Avenger's tower was peaceful or normal.

The team started filing in just as you set the ginormous stack of pancakes and overflowing plate of sausages on the table. Seriously, you could have fed an army with how much food you made. It should be barely enough to feed three Asgardians, two super soldiers, one Bruce who ate like the Hulk half the time, and the two humans who somehow ended up on the team. Loki was the last one to file into the room, looking put-upon at having to come downstairs and completely disinterested in everyone and everything. You saw it was a facade, an overexaggeration of his natural shyness.

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