Chapter 21

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 "Ignore them, love," Loki bid you softly so the crowd around you couldn't hear. "They can't do anything on Midgard but spy. They won't bother us," he reminded you.

"That didn't stop them last time we saw them," you hissed, wanting to draw daggers and stab the stupid birds for spying. They couldn't be up to anything good. "I'm sure your Father isn't pleased that you and your Brother are spending time with an exiled Valkyrie, especially one he exiled,"

Loki kissed your cheek. "He exiled you for a stupid reason and we all know it now. Odin may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. He'll know that we know the truth now, and will know that we won't let anything happen to you without a fight. It's been 900 years, we are all more capable of fighting him now," he added that last part with a soft growl.

One of the ravens swooped closer while Thor came up on your other side. "I know you two aren't bothered by the cold, but we should get inside," he told you both, sparing a glance at the ravens. He didn't trust their intentions, especially the one who kept hopping closer. It tilted it's head and hopped even closer.

You cursed softly when you realized what it was after. "How much do you not want Odin to know we're engaged?" your lips were next to Loki's ear and you breathed the words so quietly that the ravens couldn't possible hear.

"Let them tell him," he growled softly. "I am not hiding my intentions from the Allfather. He can dislike them all he likes. We should have been married centuries ago and would have been had it not been for his meddling..."

"Are you sure?" you asked. Both ravens were closer now. You weren't convinced this was the best idea, but Loki knew Odin better than you did anymore.

He nodded. "Let him know that you are very much under my protection," you rolled your eyes at your overprotective Loki, but nodded. He had a point. There was an extra level of safety and leverage if Odin knew about the extent of your rebuilt bond with Loki.

You kissed Loki's cheek and dropped his arm. "Wait here. Let me talk to them," you didn't want them doing anything stupid to your Loki. You stepped toward the ravens and knelt down to be more on their level.

"Hugin, Munin," you greeted them politely in Asgaridan, they didn't do as well with other languages, though they could repeat anything they heard. You flipped your wrist over and pushed your sleeve up to show them your tattoo and sigil. You also noted that there was a shimmer in the air around yourself and the ravens. Loki was cloaking you from the prying eyes of the other guests and cameras. That was good, you really didn't need the press reporting on you talking to birds. "Yes, I am Y/N of the Valkyries, sworn to Prince Loki. This is what you wanted to see for your report," you flipped your hand over again to show them your ring. "The prince has proposed marriage and I have accepted his proposal," you told them simply. They cawed at you, looked more closely at the ring, and flew off again. You sighed, relieved that was over without bloodshed. Loki was next to you offering his hand. You took it and stood again. You pushed your sleeve back down before you took his arm and escaped with him into the party.

It wasn't much of an escape. There were too many mortals, all of whom were interested in the team, and only a few of whom were polite about their curiosity. At least the food was good. Stark knew that he had to keep the three Asgardians happily fed if he wanted you to put up with his parties, though Thor was more amenable than you and Loki combined.

If you had your way, you'd be curled up on the couch at the tower with Loki, a couple of thick novels, and cups of hot tea.

Nat came up on your other side and linked her arm with yours. "C'mon, Kyrie. You have to play with the mortals," she told you firmly and dragged you away from Loki. Thor clapped an arm around his shoulders to make him talk to men or some other such nonsense. Which just made your evening worse. Your wings fluttered with nerves. Loki was so good at keeping people from touching you when you were in public and was on alert for it. "Kyrie, trust in the team. We know what's at stake," Nat told you when she saw your wings fluttering. She introduced you to mortals around the room, people important to the team. You had summoned thin gloves, since mortals insisted on shaking hands. None of them were of interest until: "This is Doctor Stephen Strange, world famous surgeon,"

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