Chapter 45

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Your mother paused a long moment, looking at the sight in front of her, of Loki, of her prince, of your husband, on his knees in front of her, begging for forgiveness. The proud prince didn't beg for anything. He rarely showed anyone any emotion unless he really trusted them. You, Thor, and Frigga were about the only ones he trusted that much.Though of course, you didn't remember.

You just saw that your husband was prostrating himself before your mother, begging for forgiveness for something that wasn't his fault.

You took a step forward. "Mother-" you started. You had to say something to defend your husband, to defend your charge, from your mother's wrath.

She held up a hand to stop whatever you were going to say. Ingrained habit made you stop at her silent command. There was no arguing with your mother and instinct told you to do what she said. So you stayed silent to at least wait and see what she had to say.

"Rise, my prince," she bid him gently. Loki warily got to his feet. Your mother could still punish him or demand a duel or any one of numerous things that would be awful for Loki and probably painful. You stepped up to Loki, took his hand in yours. You would protect your charge, even from your mother. You felt him stiffen for a moment, you hadn't really initiated physical contact since you'd lost your memories. Especially since you couldn't touch the humans without potentially killing them. You would stand beside him while he faced your mother and you would defend him from any threat.

He was your charge and your husband after all.

Even without your memories, some things didn't change.

"My daughter did her duty as a Valkyrie. She is to be commended for her actions," your mother said. Loki opened his mouth to protest that it was his fault. Your mother raised her hand again for silence. "You are not to be blamed, Loki. What occurred was not your fault. It was the fault of those who tried to harm the charge of a Valkyrie, who forced a Valkyrie to do their will. Your duties on Midgard are dangerous, as are your duties as Prince of Asgard. There is a reason the most skilled Valkyrie of her generation was assigned to you, best friend, eventual lover, or not,"

"I still bear the guilt of what I allowed to happen to my wife," Loki replied softly. Even if your mother was willing to accept that what happened wasn't Loki's fault, didn't mean that he was willing to forgive himself.

"Her life ever before yours. She swore those vows to you, prince. And she means them as much today as she did the day they were sworn. She did her duty to you. She protected you from death and sacrificed herself to do so. She will be commended for her actions and for saving her charge," there was no doubt you weren't yourself right now. You weren't expecting commendations for saving Loki. You knew in your soul that you were doing your duty. You didn't need praise for that. You also knew that you'd been defending your husband.

You knew for sure you would've done it again in a heartbeat.

Loki's expression fell. "Is there nothing that can be done to help her? I love her more than anything and she does not deserve to have her memories stripped from her," he practically begged.

Frigga moved closer and gave Loki a reassuring smile. "Let me see what I can do, darling," Loki sighed in relief as you followed Frigga over to a pair of chairs facing each other. Frigga was the strongest healer in the nine realms. If anyone could do something to fix your shattered memories, it was Mama Frigga. "Just relax, dear, this will not hurt," she told you gently once you were seated. You nodded your understanding. She placed her fingers against your temples and looked into your eyes as she worked her magic. You briefly registered your mother and Loki watching anxiously. You felt Frigga enter your mind and the feeling felt familiar. Frigga had taught you your magic when she taught Loki, of course the feeling was familiar.

All too soon she broke the connection and shook her head. The disappointment in Loki was palpable. "I'm sorry, darling. There is nothing I can do. The damage is beyond even my capabilities. It's not just that the memories were broken or hidden. They were shattered into pieces and erased,"

"Mother, you said memories cannot be truly erased," Loki protested.

"Usually that is true," Frigga agreed "But the magic Kyrie used should have killed her. It is a miracle of love, duty, and determination that she returned to us with only her memories missing," she shook her head. "I'm sorry, darlings," she told you both.

You felt Loki's heart break and you went to him, wrapping your arms around him. It seemed so natural of a reaction. "It'll be alright, Lohk. We'll build new memories," you reassured him, forever protecting your charge, even from his emotions.

Your mom cleared her throat. "There is a way," she told you all when she had the room's attention. "Come, children, Frigga," she bid you and strode from the room. You and Loki scrambled to follow her and you felt the magic around her, though you couldn't tell what she was doing. She led you to a chamber with an altar at the center. "Lie down on the table, on your back, wings out," your mother told you quickly.

"Mother, what are you doing?" you asked, but moved to obey. She spread your wings across the altar at their full length. Frigga and Loki were just as curious as you were, but stayed out of your way. "The Valkyrie's Blessing," your mother replied unhelpfully. Frigga knew what it was clearly, and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to an out of the way corner of the room.

The room began to fill with Valkyrie and apprentices. Some young children, some wizened crones. Any Valkyrie within range to hear your mother's call had come. You realized then that she had called them to help you with whatever this blessing was.

"Our Sister, my daughter Y/N, sacrificed herself and her memories in order to save her charge, Prince Loki," your mother announced when all the Valkyrie were gathered. "I ask any of you who are willing to acknowledge her sacrifice and offer her your blessing. Freely Given Freely Taken," there was magic and ritual in the words, though you didn't understand.

You didn't understand when each woman approached the altar.

You barely understood when they pulled a feather from their own wings to lay them on your wings, covering your wings with all of the different colors.

You understood when you felt their power surround you.

You understood when the song began. The wizened crone who laid the first feather began the ancient song. Each feather added, led to another voice entering the song. It was a lament, a song of sorrow and sacrifice in a tongue so old its translations were lost, but the song wasn't just a lament, it also had an undertone of hope, of love, of joy, of thanks and gratitude.

The song went on and on as more feathers were laid over your wings, as more power surrounded you.

Each Valkyrie offered a piece of herself to restore you.

Each Valkyrie honored your sacrificed, commended you for completing your duty.

Every single Valkyrie offered her power in the most honored tribute of your people.

The song ended when the last feather was placed by the youngest apprentice.

The power flared, swirled, snapped.

The feathers melded into your wings as you sat up with a gasp.

"Loki!" you called, catching your husband's eyes as everything came back. There were tears in your eyes as you remembered everything. He saw your tears, saw your joy and his relief was palpable as he knew before you said the words.

"I remember everything,"

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