Chapter 43

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"Did you hear what we were discussing, Kyrie?" Thor asked once Loki had composed himself and sat up again. You kept your hand in Loki's as you turned to give your attention to Thor. You saw Loki's smile and his hand squeezed yours gently. He appreciated the gesture. He appreciated the small kindness.

You couldn't touch the mortals without harming them.

You could touch Loki and Thor. And Loki craved physical affection. You knew that. And you knew how hard it was on him not to initiate contact with you when he was obviously so used to doing so.

He was trying so hard not to push himself on you. He knew you didn't remember him, didn't remember that he was your husband. He wasn't forcing you to resume that relationship.

Though it was obviously killing him.

"Eavesdropping is rude," you informed Thor instead of answering his question. It was easier to lie when you didn't actually answer the question.

Thor boomed his laughter. "You two have always been too similar for your own good," he laughed.

"Why is that funny?" you asked him confused. You'd just been avoiding admitting to something that was actually rude.

Loki chuckled. "I am the God of Mischief and Lies, darling. That was an answer I would give if I wished to not divulge some piece of mischief," he explained. You couldn't help giggling at that.

"Fine, I may have heard what you were discussing," you admitted sheepishly. "But I wasn't trying to," you added defensively.

Thor laughed. "I'm aware, sister dear," he teased you and you couldn't help smiling at him. The boys had told you that you'd grown up alongside them, as Loki's best friend and Thor's adopted little sister. You accepted without hesitation that your brother-in-law was allowed to treat you like a little sister. It was different accepting him treating you like a little sister than Loki wanting to treat you like his wife. Sister was a lot easier when you didn't remember. There were a lot fewer expectations.

"You think we should return to Asgard," you said to draw the conversation back on topic.

"Would you three please speak English?" Stark growled from across the room. You all turned to stare at him. Apparently none of you had realized you'd slipped into the language of your home. Allspeak was useful, but it wasn't native, and when it was just the three of you, you all tended to slip into Asgardian. You thought the boys liked the small taste of home. They had to miss Asgard, living so far away. "It's really hard to eavesdrop when I can't understand what you're saying," Stark grumbled.

You laughed in reply. "That's kinda the point, Shellhead," you teased in Allspeak, and therefore in English. The group looked amazed. Apparently this kind of banter was common before you'd lost your memories.

"Whatever you say, Smurfette," he teased right back and when back to what he was working on on one of the blue Jarvis screens.

You turned your attention back to Thor, the shellhead having been dealt with. "We believe that Mother might be able to help with your memories. She is the strongest healer in the realm and has done mind healing before. I'm also sure your mother would like to see you. She may have suggestions as well," he explained while Loki held your hand, seeming nervous. You'd heard his reservations. He was afraid your mind would be unable to be healed.

"Are you sure you need to go back to Asgard right now? We could really use your strength here with Red Skull on the loose again. Hydra could strike at any moment," Cap sounded worried at the prospect of you going back to Asgard. Of losing three warriors when there was a threat.

A threat you'd been forced to unleash.

"I understand your concern, Captain," Loki replied. Thor let him take the lead on diplomatic answers. Loki's silvertongue came in handy for such things. The brothers worked well playing off of each other's skills. They had centuries of experience at it. "However, Kyrie is our best fighter. Even you cannot argue that the warrior bred for battle and trained from birth, who had to go through those awful trials, is our best warrior. If this threat is as dangerous as you say, then we need to be as strong as possible and we cannot do that with my wife unable to remember anything. We need her back at 100% and if my mother can help, then it is worth the trip home," Loki told Cap firmly.

Cap sighed heavily. "You're right, of course. I just wish you weren't out of contact if we need help here,"

Thor nodded. "We will tell Heimdall to listen for you. If you have need of us, call to him and he will get word. It is not the best solution, but we really do need to see if we can get Kyrie's memories back to her," he suggested. Heimdall was the gatekeeper. He saw and heard everything. If Thor told him to listen for the mortal's call, he would. You didn't know how you knew any of that, but you knew it to be true.

Cap nodded. "Alright then. You're right that we need everyone at 100%. Be careful, all of you." You tried not to roll your eyes. Cap was overprotective of the entire team. The entire team was overprotective of you, but Cap tried to protect everyone. Even thousand year old gods.

Thor looked over at you and Loki. "Shall we head out now?"

Loki nodded. "There's no reason to delay," he agreed and stood. Your hand was still in his and he turned his hand to offer to help you to your feet. You didn't need the help, but you kept your hand in his as you stood. Loki's clothes shimmered to Asgardian, not his battle armor, but a green tunic and soft black pants. Nothing fancy enough for full-court, but still looked fantastic. You summoned a similar outfit, following Loki's lead. You'd apparently retained your magic skills and knowledge along with your fighting skills. Loki gave you a warm smile and you relaxed, glad you'd chosen right. He loosened his hand in yours, giving you the option to break the contact if you wished. You squeezed his hand and couldn't help but be pleased at how much his smile grew.

You made your way outside with the boys to a bifrost circle next to the tower. Thor raised Mjolnir to first change into his armor, as that seemed to be what he wore most of the time back home. That done, he called to Heimdall. Loki's arm went around your shoulders, holding you safely to his side, though you knew instinctively how to brace yourself for the feeling of weightlessness, of floating up into the sky without the power of your wings, of flying through the rainbow lights. You didn't blame Loki for being protective. It was in his nature after all. And he was your husband, even if you didn't remember.

You stepped out into a huge golden circular chamber in front of a giant of a man with a huge sword. The man nodded his greeting to you all. "Welcome home, your highnesses," he bid you kindly. "Your horses are waiting."

Loki looked relieved that you wouldn't have to walk, or he wouldn't have to teleport you. He offered you his arm and you placed your hand on it, automatically. "Come along, darling, let's get you to Mother," he told you gently. You nodded and walked with him, but let him take the lead so you weren't walking exactly side by side. It seemed important somehow. Loki sighed and seemed sad by that. "Tradition be damned. You're my wife, my equal," Loki told you and shifted enough so you were walking next to him.

You didn't know what to make of that statement so you remained quiet, taking in Loki's statement, his anger at your actions. Or more, at the tradition behind them. Whatever it was. Thor led the way and the three of you left the bifrost chamber. Thor stepped aside to let you get a good look at the rainbow bridge and the city beyond.

The sight of the golden city sparked something inside of you.


You were home.

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