Chapter 2

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You saw the smirk in Loki's eyes, the oh so familiar glint and it took every ounce of your willpower to stay kneeling, to not leap up to kiss him. Oh how you'd missed him. You never thought you'd see him again, but at the same time, the recognition wasn't quite there in his eyes. He didn't quite remember. It was that knowledge that kept you where you were.

Kissing a man who thought you were a stranger wasn't allowed.

The smirk was there, though, as he started to kneel to accept your blade. Just as he had done 900 years ago... but this time, unlike then, Thor swept in before Loki could touch the blade and scooped up the dragonfang before Loki could. "Thank you for your service to the throne, Valkyrie," Thor said formally and offered you his hand. You placed your gloved hand in his and let him help you to your feet. He handed you your blade back, hilt first. "I owe you an apology, Lady. It has been brought to my attention that I have been treating you unfairly-"

"Mother yelled at him," Loki interrupted with an actual smile, his formal facade cracking at the ability to tease Thor. You traded a knowing smile with him. He looked surprised at the familiarity. He really didn't remember.

"Loki," Thor's tone was a warning.

"She did," Loki replied innocently. "I take great joy in you being in trouble for once." His expression did show that he was taking such joy in Thor's discomfort. Some things never changed.

"Regardless," Thor bravely tried to go on. "I have treated you poorly and allowed the rest of the team to do so as well because of my own hurt feelings. That was unfair and unacceptable, especially when you have done nothing besides save my life. I shall make amends for your treatment and I hope you will forgive me someday," Thor's voice was optimistic and hopeful, though slightly too formal. You saw a glint in his eyes. Maybe there was hope for him yet.

"Of course, your highness," you said softly, not quite sure you could say any more. You had been hurt all of those years ago, and bruised again over the last few months. So you weren't quite trusting again, not yet. Besides, Loki deserved the truth first.

Thor gave you a look and you thought he might be starting to remember when he did. "No need for such formality. We're on the same team and this is not Asgard. Besides, we're all basically the same age. Mother said that we should all have grown up together...had circumstances not been what they were." He glanced at Loki automatically. You looked away and flushed, wondering what exactly he did remember. Thor gave you a warm smile. "Why don't you give my brother a tour while the grownups discuss the changes that are going to happen around here so you both will be happy here. His suite is the one across the hall from yours," Thor suggested. You knew that tone of voice was an order, not a suggestion.

There was still only one proper response. "I am not a child!" you and Loki both protested at the same time, glaring at Thor with daggers drawn. Thor boomed a laugh at the two of you and you saw the recognition in his expression, the slight hint of memory. You glanced at Loki. Both of you stuck your tongue out at the other at the same time, then glared, vanished your daggers, crossed your arms, and turned your heads away from the other all in sync.

You risked a glance at Loki and saw the look in his eyes, as if he almost remembered. Almost.

The memory of doing that same thing on so, so many occasions had you suddenly five years old again. The first time Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three had teased you two over something and that had been your exact reaction to it. You couldn't remember what it was the first time. It had been a common occurrence over the years.

"Go on," Thor told you, his voice gentle, but the order was firm.

You glared at him and risked teasing, just a little, just to see how much he remembered. He obviously knew something of the events, since he had spoken with Frigga. He wasn't telling you how much, but... he was the one who wanted formality dropped. "Sure thing, Tore," you replied with a smirk. You hadn't been able to say 'Thor' properly as a small child.

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