Chapter 2

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She walked behind the brunette though the house. She couldn't help but look at her perfect ass in those tight blue jeans. The sway of this woman's hips was beginning to turn Emma on. "The phone is right there on the table".  "Great thank you". She picks up the phone and dials a few numbers. "Hey it's Swan, I need a tow. My truck is in a ditch over on Willowdale. What seriously, I just left the station, when did this happen. Is everyone ok?"  Alright. I'll call Michael". She hangs up the phone. "I need to make another call is that ok?"  "Sure. Help yourself. Would you like a bottle of water?"  "Yes thank you". Emma dials another number. "Hey Mike, it's Swan I need a tow. Oh come on, all your trucks are at the accident? Yeah I know. How long do you think it's gonna be?  Alright. When your don't over there can you come get my truck out of a ditch?  Thanks it's about half a mile from the Mills Farm. No you don't have to pick me up here I'll just walk home. It's only a few miles from here. Ya ya ya. I'll be fine. I'm a cop remember, I do have a gun. Ok thanks man. Call me when it's fixed ok. Thanks. Bye". She hangs up the phone and turns to the brunette, who hands her a bottle of water. "Thanks and thanks for letting me use the phone. Have a good night". Emma says as she turns to leave. "Wait. Is someone coming to pick you up?"  "No, but it's ok I'm just a few miles away". "Please let me give you a ride. It's dark outside".  "You don't have to. I'll be fine". "Please Sheriff, it's the least I could do. You did bring my Rocinante home safe and it is his fault that your stranded here. Please". "That would be very nice thank you". "Not a problem Sheriff".  "It's Emma. Call me Emma".  "Nice to meet you Emma. I'm Regina, Regina Mills". She says as she holds out her hand for Emma to shake. "Regina. That's a lovely name". Emma says making her blush a bit. "Thank you. Are you ready to go?"  "Yeah, whenever you are".  They walk out of the house and Regina leads them over to her pickup truck. A nice cobalt blue Ford F-250. "Wow nice truck Regina". "Thanks. I love it. It's so easy to drive and it's perfect for the farm".  "Speaking of the farm, what do you do here?"  "We do a little of everything here. We give riding lessons, we train horses for show and competitions. We also have some horses that are used for equine therapy". "Wow. That's cool". Regina chuckles a little. "It is. It's very cool. Horses are really wonderful animals".  "What do you do with the cattle? I saw some cows and goats and stuff when I was walking up".  "We also take in rescued farm animals. We have some from all over New England, from farms that have gone out of business or some that have been closed because of their treatment of the animals".  "Wow. That's really wonderful Regina". They both smile at each other and continue talking as Regina follows Emma's directions to her house. "That's me right there, number 15".  Emma says as she points to her condos door and Regina pulls up right in front. "Thanks again Regina. It was nice to meet you".  "Same here Emma. Thank you bringing my Rocinante back". Emma nods and smiles and gets out of the truck. "Bye Regina".  "Bye Emma". Regina smiles and then slowly starts to drive away. Weeks and months pass and the two ladies think of each other often, but unfortunately have yet to meet again. After almost a year later Emma is sitting in her living room sipping on a beer, watching some tv when there is a knock at her door. She doesn't want to answer it because she has a feeling she knows who it is, and she was right. "Hello Dr. Hopper, come on in, have a seat. Can I get you a beer?"   "No thank you. I just came to check in on you. You missed your appointment this morning".  "Yeah. Sorry about that. I didn't feel like getting out of bed".  "Emma I can't help you if you won't come see me. Which means you can't get back to work if you keep letting this anxiety run your life". "I'm really fine Archie. We've already talked about what happened, you know everything. What more do you want me to say?"  "Are you taking you anxiety medication Emma?"  "Yes I am Archie".  "Good, and the ones to help with the depression?"  "Yes again". "When was the last time you left the house Emma?"  She definitely doesn't want to answer that question. So she just sighs. "Are you trying to think of an answer or is it that you just don't want to tell me?"  Emma just gives the doctor an evil look. "I went to a movie with Ruby if you really want to know".  "Really? Was that recently? Because if I remember you told me you saw a movie with her last month. Did you go again?"  Emma shakes her head no. "Emma, please I want to help you so you don't have to be afraid to leave the house. There are a lot of different exercises we can try out". "We've been trying them Archie, nothing is working. Just let it go". She gets up and walks into the kitchen to get another beer and Archie follows her. "Emma have you ever heard of animal therapy?"  "Oh yay do I get a puppy now?"  She says sarcastically and Archie gives her a disappointed look. "I'm being serious Emma. Yes I can get you a therapy dog, but what would you think about horse therapy?"  "What?  Archie are you serious? I don't know a thing about horses, or even dogs for that matter. What the hell am I gonna do with a horse? I live in a condo. Where is it gonna sleep in the shower stall?"  "Emma, please try to relax. You would go to a farm and learn how to take care of the animals. Horses are very in-tuned to a persons feelings. If you make the horse feel relaxed, you should be relaxed".  "Shit Archie really?  I'm not good in relationships, now you expect me to make a thousand pound animal happy. Oh, yeah. No pressure there". She says. "Emma it won't be that bad. It is and it isn't like a relationship. You will learn to bond with this horse. You will become friends with the horse. The horse will know you and you will know the horse. It's all about trust and belief Emma. When you stress out the horse can feel it and will act the same way. You need to learn how to work through things Emma, and I believe this will help you. You've always been an the defensive end, and I know it's from all the foster homes, but your strong. You can do this". Emma takes a few seconds to think. "Ok Arch, Whatever you say". Dr. Archie Hopper has a big smile on his face. "Great Emma. I know this will work out". He writes a few things down on a piece of paper and then hands it to Emma. "My friend Zelena works for her sister at this little farm, right up the street from you that does all kinds of animal therapy. Here is the address. The owner is very nice and will help you out. She has a PHD in animal therapy and veterinary medicine. Please Emma, do this. I know that it will help".  Emma looks at the number on the paper. "Ok Archie, I promise, I will call this place tomorrow". Dr. Archie Hopper smiles. "That's great Emma, but I will call them by the end of the day to see if you did call and if you didn't I'll be back here tomorrow. Just so ya know". Emma laughs a bit and shakes her head. "Thanks for coming over Archie. Bye". They both laugh as they walk to the door. "Call them Emma".  "Bye Archie". Emma says as she slams her condo door. "Oh my god, that man doesn't give up".  Emma says to the open air around her as she leans against the door. She looks at the paper he gave her. "Shit. I really have to do this now don't I?"  She makes sure all the doors and windows are locked, then she gets ready for bed. After she changes and washes her face and brushes her teeth, she gets in bed, and the piece of paper Archie gave her is staring at her. "Alright. Damn it I'll call in the morning". She says to no one, but for some reason she knows it's best to call this number.

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