Chapter 18

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The alarm wakes them up the next morning. It also wakes up Buddy who is trying to jump up on the bed. Regina leans over and picks him up. "Good morning Buddy".  He jumps up and licks Regina's face, then turns to lick Emma's face, and she quietly wakes up. "Buddy calm down. I'll take you out in a minute". He lets out a cute puppy bark and they both laugh. "Good morning my love". Regina gives Emma a kiss. "Good morning babe".  "Sweetheart, please take that beast out to pee before I step in something I don't want to". Emma laughs a little and gets out of bed and puts on some sweatpants. Emma puts the leash on Buddy and they both leave out the back door. Regina just lays back in bed. She hears her phone ping on her nightstand so she picks it up. It's a text from her sister asking if she was ready for today. She typed back that she was and asked Zelena to let her know when the lawyer is there. Emma came back in with Buddy and the two rejoined Regina in bed. "Emma, can I ask you a question?"  "Of course babe. You can ask me anything. What's up?"  "Since you said yes to getting married, I was wondering how you feel about having children".  "Well, when I was younger I always said I would never have kids, not after the way I was bounced around. After I got out of school and became a cop I worked a lot more with kids and I realized that all they want is to be loved and given a chance. I began to hope I would have a family someday, but it wasn't easy to find the right person who would except me for who I am. Then I found you, so if we are blessed enough to have children together then my promise to you is that I will do everything I can for our family". Regina has a smile on her face and happy tears in her eyes. "So what brought up that question babe?"  Regina knows the best way to answer this is to be honest. "Emma yesterday morning I realized I was late starting my period and I really wanted to know what your thinking was as far a baby. We've never talked about a family together, but I'm glad you would be ok if I do happen to become pregnant".  "Regina I wouldn't be just ok, I would be fucking ecstatic. You, me, Buddy and now a possibility of a baby. Holy shit babe". She gives Regina an excited kiss. "Emma, please calm down. I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet".  "Well how do we find out". "Well I would need to go to the pharmacy and buy a few tests".  "Ok. Come on get up, get dressed". "Baby. The lawyer is going to be here any minute. Please just take a deep breath and I promise that once everything is done we can go to the store together. Ok sweetheart?"  "Ok Regina. I understand. I'll wait. Another hour or so won't make a difference right?"   "Right my love. Thank you". They kiss and Regina's phone starts to ring. "It's Zelena. Hello sister.  Ok. Thanks I'll be down in a few minutes". The call ends and Regina gets out of bed. "The lawyer is here my love. I'll be as quick as I can ok?"  She says while getting dressed. "Ok babe. Do what you need to. I love you and I'm so happy for you and Zelena". She walks Regina to the door and opens it for her and gives her a kiss. As Regina starts walking downstairs Emma says. "Gina Wait". She runs over to the counter top and picks something up and runs back to the door. "Here it's a pen, just in case you need it". Regina laughs. "Oh Emma. I love you so much. Thank you baby". They smile and Regina walks away. She walks into the dining room and Zelena, her father, the lawyer and even her mother are sitting around the table. "Good morning sweetheart. Alice made some coffee. So help yourself and then we can get started".  "Ok. Thank you daddy. Would anyone else like some coffee while I'm up?"  Everyone shakes their head, so Regina makes her own cup and takes a seat. The lawyer goes over a few things that are in the sale documents, explains what will happen when they all sign the papers and then he asks if there are any questions. There are no questions and Henry is the first to sign, then Zelena, and finally Regina. She looks at all the signatures on the paper and she smiles. The lawyer speaks again. "Ok so now all that is left is the payment of two dollars and my lawyer fee is 30% of that which is 60 cents".  He says with a laugh. Zelena and Regina each take out a dollar and hand it over and Henry takes it.  From his inside jacket pocket he takes out an envelope and hands it to his lawyer. "Here is your fee and some extra for speeding up this process for us". He says with a wink. "Thank you Mr. Mills. I hope you all have a wonderful day". He picks up the papers and puts them in a file and leaves. "Congratulations my girls. The farm is now yours".   "Thank you daddy". They both say at the same time. Zelena asks her parents when they will be leaving. "The car will be here at 3 to take us to the airport". "That's great daddy. Maybe we all could go out for lunch to celebrate this". Zelena says to everyone in the room. "Thanks sis, but Emma and I need to run a important errand this afternoon. Maybe some other time". Regina says as she stands and starts to walk away. "Regina wait please". Cora stands up and walks closer to Regina. "I'm very sorry for everything I said to you. I don't know why I act that way sometimes. I know I have made a lot of mistakes with both you girls, and for that I am also sorry, but please just give me a chance and I will try to be better".  "Thank you mother for saying all that, but I really do have things I need to get taken care of. If it doesn't take to long maybe Emma and I could meet up with you all later". They both smile at each other and Regina walks away and Zelena follows her. When she was halfway up the stairs she hears Zelena talking to her. "Regina. Mother is trying here can't you just give her a chance".  "Zelena I do have important things I need to do. We will try to make it to lunch as soon as we can".  "Regina What is so important that it can't wait till tonight?"  She debates weather or not she should say anything to her sister, but she does anyway. "Zelena. I think I'm pregnant and I need to go get a pregnancy test ok".  "Pregnant. Regina have you cheated on Emma? You said you loved her".   "I would never cheat on Emma. If I am pregnant the baby would be Emma's".  "How is that even possible?"   "Emma wasn't born like other women, she has a penis, but please don't tell everyone. I'm in no way embarrassed by her, but this is her business to tell. I love her and I shouldn't have told you without her ok. Please tell me you understand". Zelena gives Regina a hug. "The secret is safe with me". "Thank you Zelena".  "Wait. I wasn't done. I'll keep your secret as long as you name the baby after me".  Regina laughs. "Nope for get it. Emma we need to tell everyone something". She says the last part a little loudly making Zelena laugh. "Shhhh before daddy and mother here you. I'll keep your damn secret, but I want to know the results. I can't wait to spoil a child of yours rotten". They hug again. "Thank you. Let me know where you guys are having lunch".   "Ok sis. Love you".  "Love you too". And with that Regina goes back up to the apartment. She hopes Emma won't be mad that she told Zelena about her.  She walks in the door and sees Emma on the floor playing with Buddy. "Hey babe. How did everything go?"  "It was fine dear. Can we sit and talk for a minute please".  "Nope".  "No, why not?"   "Because this looks like it may be a serious conversation and I kinda don't wanna do that". Regina smiles at Emma's childlike attitude. "Sweetheart please. It's not that bad, but there is something I need to tell you. I did something and I hope you won't angry with me".  "Now I definitely don't like where this is going". Regina gives her look that says 'get your ass on this couch now Swan'  So Emma jumps up and sits and waits for what Regina has to say. "So I'll start at the beginning. Things went well. We signed papers and the farm is now mine and Zelena's. Mother apologized to me and Zelena invited us out to lunch, but I said we had things to do and would try to meet up later. Before I could come up here she stopped me on the stairs and I told her I may be pregnant. She asked if I cheated on you and Well, long story kinda short, I told her about you". She says motioning to Emma's lower body. "My love I'm sorry. I know it's not my business to tell but I made her promise not to tell anyone. I love you please don't be mad at me". Regina looks fearful that Emma will get mad, but Emma takes her in her arms and kisses her head. "Baby, Of course I'm not mad. I'm not ashamed. This is how I was born. Are you ashamed, is that why you asked Zelena not to tell anyone?"   "Oh god no Emma. I swear. I love everything about you, but this is your private business to tell. I was afraid you would be angry at me for telling Zelena". A single tear falls from Regina's eye. "Babe I am so not mad at you. If you had cheated on me I would be angry, but to know that you may be carrying our child I am so filled with love and gratitude for you. I love you".  "I love you Emma". They hug and kiss which it seems makes Buddy jealous as he tries to jump up on them. They both laugh as Emma picks him up. "So my love what do you say we go to the pharmacy now?" Emma puts Buddy back on the floor, get up to give him a bone and gets her keys. "Let's go babe". Regina laughs as the both leave the apartment and go over to the pharmacy.

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