Chapter 7

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In the middle of the night, Regina hears her phone ding a few times, meaning she has a new text message. She wants to fall back to sleep, but she has a feeling that the text is from Emma. She turns on the light that's on the nightstand and picks up her phone. She was right, there are 2 messages from an unknown number. It must be Emma, so she quickly read them, and the first one was a long message. "I'm sorry it's so late. It's Emma. You don't have to answer back and I'm sorry if this wakes you up. I'm really scared Regina. I've never been this scared before and I hate it. I always wanted to help people. Growing up in the foster system I had people trying to help me, so when I got older I wanted to pay it forward, but after everything that happened I just feel like I'm numb now. I don't know why I'm even trying. I'm sorry for bothering you, I've had a little bit to drink and sometimes I think crazy. I don't know if I can do this Regina, I don't think I'm strong enough. A few months ago I could have done anything, but now it's like why bother. My own birth parents didn't want me, why would anyone else. Those fuckers that took me, they wanted me till they realized how different I was, then they just wanted to torture me. It was fucking awful Regina. Oh fuck, why am I telling you this? Now your gonna think I'm more of a freak". The second message was. "I'm sorry Regina. I didn't mean to send that first message. Please don't read it. I'm a little drunk, but I'm ok. I'll talk to ya soon. I hope you are having sweet dreams and I hope this didn't wake you up".  Regina is very scared for Emma at this point. She gets out of bed and quickly gets dressed. She decides to call Emma instead of texting back and thank god Emma answers. "Hello?"  Regina can hear the slur in her voice in that one word. "Hey Emma, it's me Regina, I just saw that you texted me. Can I come see you? I'd like to help you if I can. I'd like to be your friend Emma". Regina hears her slurring again. "Are you coming over to pity me?" "No. I'm not. You said you were scared, I just want to help you with that".  "You do...really Regina, you want to help me?" Now Regina can tell that Emma is crying. "Yes Emma, please let me help you". There is silence for a few moments. "Emma are you still there?"  "Yes, and yes you can come over if you really want to".  "Ok. Thank you. Do you still live in the condos where I dropped you off before?"  "No. I had to move. I couldn't live there any more. That's were they took me from. I actually like on your street now. I'm at 108 Willowdale".  "Ok Em. I'll be there in a few minutes ok?"  "Ah huh. I'll be here". They both end the call, Regina leaves as quickly as she could. She pulls her truck up to Emma's new place. She walks up and quickly knocks on the door. A drunken Emma opens the door. "Hey Gina. Sorry I bothered you so late. Please come in. The place is a little dusty and there are old dishes in the sink. I haven't really felt like doing much lately. Want a beer or a shot of fireball?"  Regina walks in and looks around, hoping Emma doesn't have any weapons to hurt herself with. "No thanks. I don't need anything to drink just yet". Emma double checks to make sure she locks the door. "Ok then. I was just thinking about watching something funny on tv, maybe some stand up comedy. Things have been to serious lately. I wanna laugh. Don't you wanna laugh Gina?"  "Yes, I'd love to laugh right about now. What are we going to watch?"  "How about some old Eddie Murphy stand up. It's a little raunchy but is fucking funny".  "Ok. I like that idea. Let's watch it". They settle in on the couch and when Emma found the right one she sat close to Regina and watched the show. Emma had fun, but was fast asleep on Regina's lap in less than 10 minutes into the show. Regina was so grateful that Emma didn't do anything stupid before she got there. She looks down at Emma and runs her fingers through Emma's hair, hoping she's somehow soothing her. After a while Regina falls asleep sitting up, but still has her hand touching Emma. She wants her to know she is there to keep her safe. Regina wakes up a little while later when she hears Emma whimpering. She looks down and she still sleeping. She must be having a bad dream. She shakes Emma's shoulder. "Emma. Wake up. It's just a dream. Wake up". She shakes her shoulder again. "Emma. Wake up. Come on wake up dear". Emma slowly starts coming around. "That's right. Wake up. Everything is ok. I'm here for you. Your ok. It's just a dream".  "Regina?"  She asks half asleep. "Yes Emma. I'm here and everything is ok". She says as she starts running her fingers through her hair again. Emma's breath starts to even out and she falls back to sleep. Regina feels so bad for her. She's such a nice young woman, it's so awful that she has to go through this. When Emma left earlier after dinner, Regina googled her name and read many different articles about her. Mostly about her being a police officer. She did a lot of work with the youth in Lowell like volunteering at the boys and girls club, playing sports with them. She was a couch of a softball team, and here in Storybrooke she worked with the city council to get a youth center opened so the kids had a place to go any time they need to. She really hopes Emma can come back from this. She eventually falls back to sleep herself. Some time later she wakes up to the sounds of her cell phone ringing. The sound also wakes up Emma. Regina doesn't answer the call. It's her sister, she'll leave a message. Emma sits up and looks at her. "I'm really sorry about last night Regina. I never should have texted you while I was drinking".  "It's ok Emma. I'm glad you did. I'm here for you. How are you feeling?"  "Well I have a headache and I feel stupid".  "I'm not surprised about the headache, but you shouldn't feel stupid. You just need to learn how to manage you emotions better. Are you still seeing Dr. Hopper?"  "Yeah. I have an appointment tomorrow".  "Ok that's good. Have you made a decision about weather you want to stay on the farm yet?"  "You still want me there?"  "Yes, Of course. I want you to get better Emma". Emma looks down at the floor and nods, then says "Ok Regina. Yes please. I'd like to stay on the farm". Regina smiles. "That's really great. When do you want to make this happen?"  "Can I take a shower first and then I'll pack?"  "I'll wait for you right here". She says with a smile. Emma gets up and heads upstairs. Regina checks her message from her sister and sends her a text saying she and Emma will be back there in a little while.

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