Chapter 22

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After putting the kids to bed Regina and I took a shower together and are now laying in bed. She has her head on my shoulder and I am holding her tightly. "So my love. How was the community center field trip today?" I knew this was coming. "It was good babe. All the kids were so well behaved".  "That's good. You seemed to have taken an interest in one of the boys. He seems nice".  "Ya. From what I'm told he's a great kid. He was named after his father I was told". "Hmm. Well that must be nice".  "I guess so".  "Emma, is there something that you don't want to tell me?" I start to move. "I'm sorry babe. Can I sit up please ? You may want to also". We both sit against the headboard. "Regina everything happened so fast this afternoon, that's why I had my anxiety attack. I think that the blonde kid Emmitt maybe my son". I look at my wife and she has no expression on her face. That must mean she getting pissed. "Baby I'm sorry. I never knew about him. He told me his  mothers name, Ashley, and that he was named after his dad. His last name is Swan. I dated an Ashley Boyd like 11 years ago when I lived in Lowell. It wasn't that serious so when I moved here we broke up. I swear she never told me. I would never ditch my kids. Ever. I'm sorry Regina. You must be so mad". I stop my rambling and I look at Regina and she just shakes her head. "Babe. Please say something".  "I don't know what to say Emma. I mean I thought I gave birth to our, or I guess I should say your first baby, but did I?"   "Are you angry with me?"  "No. You said you didn't know anything about him. I can't be mad at that. What are you going to do?"   "I asked the chaperone, that was here, who works for child services for a DNA test. Regina I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted from me. I don't know what to do. I love our life so much, but if this kid is my son I don't want him growing up in the system. He's already been there for 3 years. I was in till I was 18. He's so young Regina, I can't do that to him".  I start to cry and Regina takes me in her arms. "Emma. It's ok. I understand. You and Emmitt seemed to really hit it off, so not matter what the test results say, how about we see if we can adopt him any way?  It looks like he loved the baby goats just like you my love". We both share a small laugh and I give her a kiss. "I'm sorry all of this is happening, do you really want him here not matter what?"  She gives me a kiss. "Yes I do my love. Every child needs a home. If he is yours I will try to be the best substitute mother I can be and if he's not your son I wouldn't love him differently either way". I can't believe the words coming out of my wife's mouth. She's so easy going it's almost scary. With tears in my eyes I give her a hug. "Thank you sweetheart. I can't believe you sometimes. You have such a big heart. I love you so much".  The next morning I called child services and talked the woman who was one of the chaperones yesterday, her name is Ingrid, I wanted to see when we could take the DNA test and I wanted some information on how to adopt Emmitt if he's not my son. I also wanted to see if he could come play here at the farm again with me and the kids and Regina of course. She said she just talked to the legal department and everything is set for the tests, but the adoption is a longer process, and she didn't think it would be a problem for a private visit to the farm for Emmitt and that would probably be a great time for us to take the DNA test. We set a time for that day for Emmitt to visit. Regina and I told the kids and they were very excited to get to see their new friend again. I hope Emmitt feels the same way. Having breakfast with my wife and kids this morning I felt so nervous. Emmitt was scheduled to be here around 11am. I more than love the life Regina and I have built together. If he is my son I need him to be here with us. I don't want him growing up in the foster system, and if he's not my son I'm so glad Regina likes the idea of adding him to our family. Regina can see how withdrawn I am and takes hold of my hand and the breakfast table. "Everything will be fine my love". I smile at her and say. "I hope so. I'm really nervous Gina. What if all this goes wrong, what if he hates that I'm really his dad?  Oh, I don't know. Thank you babe, and thank you for being so understanding. I don't know what I did to deserve you". I say as a few tears fall from my eyes. Henry sees that I start to cry and gets up and walks over to me. He gets up on my lap and tries to hold me tight and says. "I'm sorry daddy".  I look at Regina confused. "Why are you sorry my boy?"  "You cry daddy. I'm sorry". I kiss his head and hold him tight. "Oh my boy. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes adults cry, but that's ok. Thank you for coming to comfort me. I love you and Sophia and mommy so much".  "I love you daddy". He says as he tries to snuggle closer to me. His forehead is against my cheek and I can feel that he is warm. "Babe I think he has a fever". She reaches over and feels Henry's head. "I think your right. I'll take him upstairs and give him some medicine. "Do you feel ok Sophie girl?"  She asks our daughter who is happily eating her breakfast. "Ok. I'll take that as a yes".  She takes Henry and they go upstairs and I hangout with Sophie. When we finish breakfast I clean up and set Sophia up with a movie and a coloring book. Regina comes back to the kitchen. "I gave Henry some children's Tylenol and he is now taking a nap. I'll check on him in a little bit. Is Sophia ok?"   "Yeah babe, I think so. I was thinking, maybe Henry could have allergies". Regina gets really uncomfortable now. "Do you mean food allergies?  Oh my god. Have I been slowing killing my own son?"  "No babe. No. That's not what I meant. I was thinking about seasonal allergies. I had them a lot as a kid. I'm a little better now, but I still have trouble sometimes".  "I'll see how our son is when he wakes up. If he's not much better I'll call the doctor and see what he says". I give her a hug and a kiss. "Everything will be fine I just know it babe". We are interrupted by a knock at our door. I look at the clock in the kitchen and it's just after 11am. "That must be Emmitt and the social worker. Babe I can reschedule".  "No sweetheart. You go out there with Sophia and have a nice time with Emmitt".  "Ok babe. Thank you". I kiss her and go answer the door, and it is Emmitt. We all go out to one of our little corrals where we have our petting zoo. I had the guys put a few animals in there so the kids could play. The day went by so great. Sophia and Emmitt and such a good time. She showed him how to safely pet the animals we had in there and how to feed them. My daughter is more into this than I thought. About an hour later someone new showed up and I saw him talking to the social worker, who then waved us over. It was now time for our DNA test. Me and Emmitt both did it and we let Sophia do it as well so she didn't feel left out. It took all of 2 minutes and that was it. Me and the kids spent a little more time together before Emmitt had to leave. Sophia and I hugged him and I thanked the social worker. When my daughter and I went into the house Regina was getting ready to leave with Henry. "What's going on babe?"   "Henry isn't feeling better so I called his doctor and he can see him right now".  "Ok we'll go with you".  "No sweetheart. It's ok. Stay here and make some something to eat for you and Sophie. I'll bring a pizza back when I'm done, ok?"   "Ok babe. Call if you need anything". I give her a kiss and go to Henry and pick him up and kiss his head. "You will be fine my son. I love you". He weakly says. "I love you daddy". I carry him out to Regina's car and strap him into his booster seat. I give Regina another kiss and they drive off. I make Sophie and myself a grilled cheese sandwich and we watch the movie Free Willie. It's not animated, but it's a good movie and I'm glad my kids like it. While we are eating I text my wife. "I hope all is going well babe. Let me know if I can do anything. Love you and Henry". It took her about 20 minutes for her to text me back. "Henry and I are on the way home. We can order the pizza when I get there. We love you too. See you soon". I sent a text back. "Love you. Drive safely babe". About 15 minutes later they returned home. Regina had Henry in her arms when they walked through the door. I quickly jumped up when I heard the door open and ran to my wife and son. I took Henry from her, she doesn't need to be carrying any weight while she's pregnant. He's asleep and snuggles into my shoulder. "Go put him in bed please sweetheart". I give me wife a kiss. "Of course babe. I'll be right back". I carry our son upstairs and gently put him in bed. I take off his sneakers and clothes and put some pajamas on him so he can be more comfortable. Then I go see to my wife.

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