Chapter 16

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There was a knock at the inside door of the apartment. Neither one of them had joined the family in any way. They had been packing up their things and bringing them over to Emma's condo, and Regina didn't really want to see her mother. Regina walks over to the door. "Who is it?"   "It's your father Regina, please open the door".  "Shit". She says quietly. She knows this won't be good. "Hello daddy, please come in". He comes in and looks around. "So, your really leaving".  "Yes I'm sorry daddy, but I won't let mother talk to me like that. Everything I have ever done in my life has been for this farm. I've even given up things in my personal life for the farm. I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I thought it would be better to get a degree in farm animals so now that I have something else that I love in my personal life mother wants me to cut her loose because Emma and I had one small disagreement, it's so infuriating. Mother has never worked a day in her life so it's time she starts, I'm sorry daddy".  "So you are just going to walk away from your family?"  "No daddy, but mother has made it clear that I am just basically a worker here, that my name is only on the papers as a shareholder and that I own nothing and only you and her do. So I quit and told her she can do all the work that I do".  "Regina dear this is ridiculous. You know how your mother is. Things just come out of her mouth sometimes. None of us want you to go. This has been your home since before you were even born".  "I know that daddy, but I need to start a life of my own. I have asked Emma to marry me and she said yes".  "I'm very happy to hear that my dear. Emma is a lovely person. I'm sure you two will be very happy together". Just then Emma came walking through the other door with the puppy that they had named Buddy. "Ok babe, another load of boxes are now in our condo". She looks and sees Henry, Regina's father. "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something".  Buddy runs right over to Regina's father and wags his tail excited to see a new person. "No. Regina and I were just talking and who do we have here? What's your name little fella?"  He asks while picking up the dog. "That's Buddy daddy. Emma found him under the back stairs". "Hello Buddy". He says while he pats the little puppy and gets his face licked making him laugh.  "I can take him back outside if you two need to talk more". "That won't be necessary Emma. My daughter and I can continue talking with you here, this does concern you as well. Congratulations on the engagement. I'm very happy for you both, but I am also sad that you both will be leaving the farm. Have you decided what you will be doing for work since neither of you will be working here?"  Emma looks at Regina. "No daddy. We haven't actually had time to talk about that yet, we've been busy packing and moving".  "I understand. So your mother and I are going back to Florida the day after tomorrow and we would like to have a nice family dinner tomorrow night. I have announcement I will be making and I would really like to have you both there. Please say you will join us".  "Regina and I will be there. Thank you".  He hands the puppy over to Emma and leaves to go back downstairs. "Emma. Why did you agree to dinner?"  "Because it's the right thing to do. They are still your family. I wonder what his announcement will be".  "Mother probably talked him into giving the farm to Zelena. She was always mothers favorite anyway". The next night, even though Regina doesn't want to, her and Emma join everyone for dinner. It was mostly quiet. Regina and her mother kept glaring at each other from across the table. While eating dessert, Regina's father decides to finally make his announcement. "It's no secret that there have been some major changes around here and there could be more to come. I have been considering selling the farm". Everyone around the table is beyond surprised and they begin talking all at once. "Please everyone quiet down. Let me explain. Through the years I have been getting all kinds of offers and I'm to old now to be worrying about what's going on here". Regina interrupts her father and looks straight at her mother. "This is all your doing isn't it.  It's not good enough that I've been pushed out, now you are making daddy sell the farm. Everyone here at this table will be out of a job and a place to live. You heartless bitch. You want to sell it and get all the money for yourself and you don't give a damn what happens to anyone else. Daddy don't let her do this to everyone".  "Sweetheart this has nothing to do with your mother".  "The hell it doesn't. I quit and now you want to sell the farm.  That's bull shit. Fine I take it back. I'll come back and work here again, but that's all, I want nothing to do with you from now on". She says looking right into her mothers eyes. Then she leaves the dinning room to go back to the apartment. "Well this has been another exciting family dinner". Zelena says with a shake of her head. Emma gets up and starts to leave. "I should go check on Regina".   "Emma wait please. There is more I need to say. Please sit for a few moments more". She does as she's asked. "If my daughter had stayed here she would understand, so I would appreciate it if you could pass along what I am going to say". Emma nods. "As I said before I have decided to sell this farm and I am hoping that the buyers will be my daughters Zelena and Regina". Zelena is surprised. "Daddy are you serious?"  "Yes dear I am and the selling price is one dollar from each of you and the land and everything on it will be all yours and Regina's". Emma jumps up. "I need to go tell Regina". She quickly runs upstairs. She opens the door. "Regina where are you?"  "I'm in the bathroom". "Well hurry up. We need to talk". A few minutes later Regina comes out. "Let me guess. I missed something really big". Emma smiles. "You have know idea what you missed. Your father is selling the farm to you and your sister".  "What?"  "I know you heard me".  "Why would he do that?"  "You and Zelena are his daughters, he wants the farm to stay with the family".  "Mother is probably making him sell it for a billion dollars".  "Well that's the other thing you missed. He's selling it for one dollar from each of you".  "Get the hell out of here". Emma laughs. "I swear babe two dollars and this farm is yours and Zelena's".  "I don't know what to say to this. What do you think Emma?"  "Babe this is your opportunity to own your family farm. All of the hard work you've done is going to pay off and once everything is your name and Zelena's your mother can't tell you what to do here ever again". Regina smiles. "What about us Emma, do we still move into your condo? Just about everything is packed and moved."   "We can work all that out later babe, it's all up to you. What do you want to do?"  "Oh Emma I want this farm so much".  "Then go get it". They give each other a kiss and then they both go downstairs. They first stop at Zelena's bedroom and she isn't there, they end up finding her in her office. Regina knocks. "Can we talk Zelena?"  "Come in sis". Her and Emma walk in and sit. "So I take it Emma told you what daddy said after you left".  "Yes she did. Are you going to take him up on the offer?"   "I would be a fool not to, so would you".  "So we are really going to do this?"  "Yes dear sister I already told daddy I was in".  "So I guess I just have to tell him". "I think he's in the den if you want to go see him". Regina nods and Emma says. "I'm going to take Buddy for a walk while you go talk to your father". She gives Regina a kiss and leaves. Regina takes a deep breath and goes off to find her father.

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