Chapter 3

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Two days later Emma drives up the dirt road of The Mills Farm. She can feel the anxiety building up inside her chest. She's really scared to get out of the truck, but she knows Archie is right. She needs to get better and she needs learn how to stop reliving what happened to her a few months ago. She turns the key to shut the engine off. "Ok. Let's go!"  She says to help psych herself up. She opens the door and steps out onto the dusty dirt road. She sees a brunette walking her way with a smile on her face. She remembered Regina being so beautiful. When she comes face to face with her, she feels a bit nervous, but not with anxiety, it's the,  damn she's pretty kind of nervous feeling. "Well, Hello Emma. It is Emma right?"  "Yes. Hi Regina. You look really nice today. I mean. Damn. I'm sorry. How are you today?"  Regina can't help but laugh at Emma's way with words. "I'm fine thank you Emma. So what can I do for you?"   "Well, I talked to a woman yesterday about maybe trying out the horse therapy thing".  "Oh yes. That was my sister Zelena that you talked to. Shes my office and stable manager. So I take it your my 1 o'clock appointment?"   "You?  I'll be working with you? Your my new doctor?"  Regina chuckles a bit and says. "No dear. I'm not a doctor, although I do have a PHD, I specialize in using animals to help people in need of a way to cope with anxiety issues". Emma gives a small smile and nod. "So, are you ready to get started?" Regina asks. "What? Starting now. We don't sit and talk about stuff before I jump in?  I don't know anything about animals, I don't want to hurt them". Regina walks close to Emma and puts a tender hand on her bicep. "Emma you won't hurt them. They will let you know if they don't like something, and I'm not a therapist, but we can talk while we work. The horses still need to be brushed and walked around. Then they need to be bathed and fed. So let's go". Emma and Regina walk together and Regina explains the first few things they will be doing. She showed Emma around the stables, and introduced her to the 5 horses that were in their stalls. "And this here is Rocinante. You remember him right?"  Emma nods and smiles a bit. "Hey there big guy. Have you runaway lately?" Emma asks the horse making Regina laugh and Emma can't help but notice how sexy her laugh is. "Rocinante just had a birthday. Didn't you my boy?"  Regina says as she pats his long neck. Emma smiled. "Happy birthday. How old is he?"  "He just turned 10". She says handing Emma a brush. She shows Emma how to brush him with her own brush. "So do horses age like dogs? You know like if a dog is 4 years old, in dogs years he's really like 28".  "It's similar I guess. Right now he's 10, but in horse years he's considered to be about 35".  "That's pretty cool. He's a very beautiful horse Regina. How long have you had him?"  "Since he was born. This was originally my fathers farm. He was a competitive horse trainer, one of the horses we owned was Rocinante's mother. My father put me in charge of her and he told me that when he was born I could name him and that it was my responsibility to take care of him and train him properly. I was there the moment he was born. It was an amazing experience".  "Yeah. I bet it was. I grew up in the city. None of the families I lived with had animals. Except for like a parakeet or a goldfish". Emma says with a chuckle, making Regina smile. "Ok. I think we are done with brushing him for now. How about we take him for a walk?"  "Oh. I don't know. I don't have to like ride up on his back do I? He's really big and I don't know how. I've never even been on a horse before". Regina can see the fear in her eyes. "No Emma. It's ok. I promise. We are just going to walk him around the pasture, but I would like you to hold onto his reins if that's ok with you". She looks at Rocinante, then back to Regina. "Are you coming with us?"  "Yes. I'll be there the whole time. I promise you". She shows Emma how to put the harness on him and she hands Emma the reins. She hesitates but she takes them. "So now what?"  "Now we walk". Regina says as she takes a few steps towards the barn doors. Emma starts to walk, but Rocinante doesn't move. She gently pulls on his reins to get him to walk, but he moves his head the opposite way pulling Emma close to him. She's so caught off guard and surprised that she almost falls over. "What the hell was that, why did he do that?"  "I'd say he didn't feel the trust from you".  "Me? Why doesn't he trust me?"  "Horses can sense our feelings. He's probably feeling the lack of trust you have for him. Last year when you brought him back here when he got out. How did you get him to walk with you?"  She try's to think back. "I think I talked to him. I pet him a little. Then I put my hand around his harness and we stated walking".  "Ok. And what is different this time?"  "I just pulled on his reins". "Maybe he didn't feel like you wanted him to go, so he didn't".  "What do I do now?"  "Why don't you try what you did the last time".  Emma walked up close to the animal and gently started to pat him. "Ok pal, the boss lady wants to go for a walk. So what do ya say we listen to her and you can show me where you like to hang out and graze". Regina looks on with a smile. She wonders what could have happened to Emma that would require her to have this type of therapy. Maybe soon she will find out. She just hopes she's able to help her.

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