Chapter 24

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I awake to my cellphone ringing. I fumble to answer it. "Yeah. Hello?"  I sleepily say. "Good morning dear. It's nice to see that you can sleep with so much going on".  "Regina. Please don't be mad at me. I swear to you I never knew about Emmitt. Why are you so against him being my son now?  The other day you wanted to adopt him. What happened?"   "I got to thinking Emma, how many other kids are out there that you don't know about?"  "Regina. Come on. You know I don't sleep around. What the hell babe?"  "Don't call me babe. My name is Regina. Regina Mills, and that's who I'll always be".  There is a knock at Regina's door and she answers it. "Special delivery for Emma Swan".  "Looks like your DNA results are in".  "Ok. I'll be there in a minute". I get dressed as fast as I can, then run over to our house. I come through the door. "Did you open it?"  "It's addressed to you, so no.  Here".  She practically throws the big envelope at me. I open it and take out the papers inside. After a few minutes Regina can't wait anymore. "What the hell does it say Emma?"   "Well, according to this, Emmitt is my son, but it seems Sophia is not biologically my daughter".  I look at my wife with tears in my eyes. "Why does it say that Regina?"  She looks stunned. She fumbles  with her words. "Emma. I swear, that has to be wrong. I've never slept with anyone while I've been with you".  "What about before we got together?  We did have sex pretty quickly. Was there someone right before me that you forgot about?"  "No Emma. I hadn't been with anyone in over a year before you. They must have mixed up the results".  "Right". Is all I say as I start pacing the kitchen. I didn't notice Regina walk up behind me. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Sweetheart this has to be a mistake". "I really hope it is Regina. I wouldn't mind raising another mans children, but what I don't like is being lied to". I really wanted to ask if the child she's carrying now is mine, but that would only add fuel to the fire and I don't want to argue more about this. I called Ingrid at child services and told her I needed another test and explained why. She said she would send someone out this afternoon "Do you want some breakfast Emma?"  "No thanks. I've got work to do". I turn and walk away. "Emma please wait".  "I need some time Regina. Ok?  You needed time last night and all I'm asking for is the same. Please". Regina nods and I walk out and start working. I work nonstop throughout the day. I see a car driving down the dirt path of the farm. I look at my watch and see its 3:30 in the afternoon. Ingrid and some lady get out of the car and I walk over to them. "Hello Emma. I'm sorry we have to do this again. Sometimes things just go wrong with the test themselves".  "It's ok. I understand". She introduces me to the woman who will be the doing the test and they tell me that they already got a sample from Emmitt. I nod and I tell them that I would like both my kids to be tested and that I would pay for everything. They tell me that it's not a problem and that they are ready whenever we are. We walk over to my house and find the kids and Regina watching a movie. I tell them what is going to happen and that it's not going to hurt. Sophia has no problem with it because she's done it before, and after watching us do it, Henry was ok having it done also. They told me they would put a rush on the tests and that they would call me soon. I walk them out and get back to work. I need to keep my head occupied. I heard my phone chime. I looked at it and I had a text from Regina. "Please come home for dinner. The kids want to see you". I hesitate for a moment before I tell her I'd be right there. I finish what I was doing and put the equipment away and walk back over to the house. Before I see anyone I go up to take a shower. As I'm walking out of our bathroom I see Regina sitting on the bed. "Thank you for coming to have dinner with us tonight". I shrug and say. "No big deal". While I'm finishing getting dressed Regina clears  her throat and says. "I owe you an apology Emma. I had no right to act the way I did. I could place the blame on hormones or being concerned for Henry, but in actuality I was just being a jealous bitch, it wasn't until you read the results saying that Sophia wasn't yours that I thought about how you must be feeling. I promise you Emma, I haven't been with anyone since before we got together. I hope you can believe me". I see a few tears slip from her eyes and I walk to her and hold her. I didn't realize how badly I need to hold her until this moment. "I believe you Regina. These things happen sometimes. I'm sure everything will be fine when the results came in". She just nods her head against my chest. "Let's go eat. I'm starving, I haven't eaten all day". We give each other a kiss on the lips and we hold hands as we walk into our dinning room. Dinner was mostly quiet. After we ate I helped clean up then I played with the kids for a little while. When it was bed time we washed them up and read a story to them. Regina and I walked back to the living room and I wasn't sure if she wanted me to stay or not so I said. "Thanks for dinner, it was really good".  "Your welcome Emma".  After a brief moment of silence I said. "Well I guess I'll head on back to the main house, unless you need anything?"  She looked surprised. "Your not staying here?"  "I didn't think you wanted me to after last night. You seemed to know what you wanted when you said to get out of your house, get out of your life and get off your farm".  "I never should have said anything like that. You didn't deserve to be treated that way. You've been nothing but honest this whole time".  "What changed your mind?"  "I don't understand the question".  "What changed your mind?  This morning you still seemed pissed off until I read that Sophia wasn't mine. What changed you mind Regina?"  "I don't know how to answer that Emma, I'm sorry. Maybe it's because I don't want to lose my family. I love you, the kids love you. We need you in your lives Emma. I hope you can forgive me for what I said and did last night".  "I can forgive you Regina, it just hurts". She gives me a kiss and wraps her arms around my neck. "I'm so sorry my love". She gently whispers into my ear and it gives me little goose bumps. It's been about 2 weeks since Regina and I have been intimate. She gives me kisses on my neck right under my ear lobe and that's the spot that gets me going. Fuck this woman. She gives me a few more kisses and starts whispering in my ear again. "I'm so sorry my love, please let me make it up to you".  "How, ahh. Fuck". She kissing and nipping at my neck. "How do you ahh, how do you plan on making it up to me?"   "Well my dear, I know I've made you feel bad, now I'm going to make you feel so good".  I pick her up while we kiss and she wraps her legs around my waist. I walk over to the couch and I gently lay us down. I'm as careful as I can not to hurt her baby belly. I sit up a bit and and start to remove my clothes as fast as I can and Regina does the same. When I stand to take off my pants and boxers, my wife gets up and gently pushes me down to sit on the couch and she straddles my lap. "I said I was going to make things up to you Emma".  So I just sit back and let her take control. She reaches down and starts to rub my shaft, not that it needs much encouragement it's already hard as hell, but her hand feels so good stroking me. I close my eyes and lay my head back against the couch. "Fuck babe. Fuck". She lets out an evil laugh. "You like that my love?"  "Hmm. Ya". She kisses my lips and whispers in my ear. "I bet feeling how hot and wet I am for you would be even better". My eyes open wide at her words and I only nod. She lifts up at little, lines us up and slowly takes all of me in. She's right. She is so hot and wet for me. "Fuck babe you weren't kidding. So hot baby, so hot". She started slow and it only took her a few minutes to reach her first orgasm. I love when she's pregnant, she's so sexually sensitive everywhere. I let her take her time and then she started moving again, quickly. I love how she feels grinding hard on top of me. I was so close and I knew she was too. I slapped her ass, not that hard, but good enough. "Come on babe. Make me cum for you".  Within seconds I feel her tighten around me again and then I reach my peak. We are both breathing hard as we hold each other close and slowly come down from our high. A few minutes later she has her head on my chest. I kiss her head and rub her naked back. "I love you babe?"   "Hmm. I love you too sweetheart". She says with a yawn. I give her a few more minutes, be we can't stay here, we're naked. What if the kids come in? Not to mention Regina can't sleep straddled on my lap, she would be in so much pain later. "Ok babe. Come on. We need to move". I help her sit on the couch next to me. I put on my boxers and t-shirt, then help Regina into my button down shirt. It's big enough to cover her. "Babe. Sit here while I check the locks and turn off the lights. I smile as she nods with her eyes closed. When I'm done, I grab our cell phones and ask Regina to hold them. I pick her up and carry her up to our room and lay her in our bed. I plug in our phones, go check on the kids then get in bed next to my wife where I always want to be. Always. She's already sleeping, so I just kiss her forehead and gently snuggled close to her and we both slept peacefully holding each other.

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