Chapter 27

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That night I still have trouble sleeping, but I don't let it get to me. I quietly get up and check on the kids, and just like the night before they are all sleeping peacefully. I get back in bed with my wife and snuggle up close to her. "Are our babies sleeping sweetheart?"  She asks in a tired voice. "Yes babe. They are all out like a light". She rolls over so we are face to face and gives me a kiss. "Good I'm glad my love. Now maybe we can get to sleep at a decent hour tonight". We kiss once more and I say. "That would be great. I know you are just as tired as I am". She nods and we give one final kiss goodnight and drift off to a peaceful sleep. The next few days went by with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Thank goodness. Emmitt got more used to being at home here and the kids absolutely loved their big brother. They played so well together. The twins showed Emmitt how to do a few things on the farm and he seemed to actually enjoy them. Six weeks after Emmitt came to live with us Regina went into premature labor. Our daughter Olivia was born 7 weeks early. She was alive thank goodness, but she was so small. Weighing only 3 pounds 10 ounces. Regina was so scared as was I. Because she was so early her lungs weren't fully developed yet. She spent weeks in the NICU. My wife has always been the rock of our family, but  I needed to be there for her, as well as our kids. All my wife had done was sit by Olivia's incubator and talk to her. I know that's great, but she hardly ate. She hardly saw the kids and when I asked her to come home for a little while she'd yell at me about how much I favor our healthy kids over the one that could be dying. When she first said that to me I couldn't believe it. I'm just trying to keep our family running. Of course I want to be there every day for our beautiful daughter, but with Regina there all the time, I had to get the older kids fed and off to school. I needed to get their baths done. Make sure their homework is ok. I hate that I'm the bad guy in this. Whenever I tried to get close to her she always thinks I just want sex. I missed my wife and our kids missed their mother. She blamed herself for delivering early. Me or Zelena brought her clean clothes all the time. She can take a shower at the hospital. Olivia started responding to the medication and she was finally getting better. So after her being in the hospital for almost 4 months we could finally bring her home. When we walk through the door of our home for the first time with Olivia it's such a beautiful moment. The twins and Emmitt were so great. They were very patient when it came to the baby. They only saw her a few times and only for a few minutes when she was in the hospital. They know they need to be very careful with her. Regina and I have a little bit of a strained relationship. I know we both still love each other, but we haven't lived like a married couple in 4 months, nor have we had sex. I've been trying to stay in touch with Archie as much as I can. I had a lot of anxiety when Olivia was first born. I was so worried about everything. How would I take care of the kinds while Regina was at the hospital. How could I be a good partner for my wife. Archie helped me a lot. He suggested Regina and I start seeing him when things settle down. Tonight has been great so far. The kids wanted to help out as much as they could. They knew it was a delicate situation with her, but they all tried their best to do the right thing and not hurt their sister in any way. We put a bassinet in our bedroom for Olivia. Regina and I don't want to be to far away from her. Especially me. I didn't get to see her as much as Regina because I was always home taking care of the kids and the farm, but I love my daughter and I want her near us for as long as possible. When we put Olivia in her bassinet, Regina and I got into bed together for the first time in 4 months. To say it was a little strange would be an understatement. I tried to make things as normal in bed as I could. Regina faced the bassinet and I tried to snuggle up to her. "Emma. Please. I'm really not in the mood".   "Babe, I'm just trying to hold you that's all. I wasn't expecting anything else. I've missed holding you in my arms. I love you Regina. I hope you still love me". Apparently that was the wrong thing to end with. She sat straight up and looked at me like she wanted to stab me. "Are you seriously questioning my love for you?  I've spent the last 4 months sitting by our daughters side, while you were no where to be found". I sit up and say. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? I was here taking care of our other kids and running this farm with Zelena. I made sure our kids were fed and clean and got off to school. I had to hold them as they cried because they missed their mommy. I'm sorry for saying this, but fuck you Regina. I did my best here to try and keep our family together and you give me this shit". I get out of bed and quickly get dressed. I need air or a drink. I just need to get out. "Where the hell are you going?"  My wife says in a very angry voice. "I'm going out. I need some air". As I walk out the bedroom door I here her yell. "Sure Emma, run away. I knew this day would come. Go to hell". I slam the front door as I leave and head over the nearest bar for a drink.

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