Chapter 28

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I walk into The Rabbit Hole and sit at the bar. The juke box is playing some loud rock music. It's not to busy tonight, it's only a Tuesday. The bartender comes over to me. "Hey hot stuff, what can I get ya?"  She smiles at me and I say. "A beer and a shot of tequila please".  "Coming right up". She gives me a wink. Oh fuck, really? I don't need more women troubles. I think to myself. I drink the shot right down and drink half of my beer. "So what brings you in tonight blondie?"   "Just had an argument with my wife and needed a drink that's all".  "Well I'm sorry to hear that. I hope I can make the night better for you". She winks at me again and walks away to make another customer a drink. I really don't need this right now. I never was a player and I'm definitely not going to start now. I love my wife and our family and there is no way I'm going to ruin that because Regina and I had an argument. When I finish my beer I get up and take money out of my wallet to pay for the beer and shot. I leave a 20 dollar bill under the shot glass. As I start walking out the bartender asks. "Leaving so soon blondie?"  I turn around and say. "Yeah. I am. I love my wife more than I hate the argument we had. I'm not the cheating kind, and if I stay here longer the alcohol may start to make bad decisions for me. Good night".  I get in my truck and drive home. I go into the kitchen and grab a beer and sit at the kitchen island. About a half hour later Regina comes walking in with Olivia. "Hmm. Nice to see you came back". I let out a sigh. "Regina, please. I don't want to fight". She looks at me and asks. "Where did you go?"  "I went to The Rabbit Hole. I had one beer and one shot and came home". As she's making the baby's bottle she asks. "Why didn't you stay longer?  You were very angry when you left I figured you be gone for a while".  "I wanted to stay there and get as drunk as I could, but you know what happened?  The bartender was hitting on me, and just because we had an argument I'm not about to ruin my life". I walk over to her as she's holding our daughter. "Regina I love you. I love our life. When that bartender winked at me I knew I was in the wrong place. I wanted to be here with you and our family. Archie wants us to come see him. Please let's do that. I know after so many months things are different, but I don't feel any thing different towards you. Your my heart. Your love keeps me going every day". Her tears come out so fast and I take the baby from her and put her in the carrier. My wife jumps right in my arms and cries so hard. "Baby it's ok. We can get through this". I kiss her head. Olivia's bottle is still warming, she starts to cry because she's hungry. I sit Regina down on one of the island chairs and check on the bottle. When it's all set, I shake it up a bit and test it on my arm again to make sure it's not to hot. I pick up the baby and sit next to my wife and I start to feed our daughter. Regina just watches for a few minutes. "Emma. I'm so sorry. I wasn't angry with you. I was angry with me. I was so concerned about Olivia that I let everything else go, and I didn't realize that until we brought her home. I was feeling guilty because you've been doing everything. I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave her Emma. Please forgive me". She's crying and it breaks my heart. I can't hold her because I'm feeding the baby. "Babe. It's ok. I understand. You needed to be there for her. The kids understand, but I won't lie. They really missed you. You should have a day with only you and them. They would love it". She gives me a kiss. "Thank you for keeping our family going when I was not able to".  "I love you Regina. I'll do all I can to make our life the best it can be". We kiss once more and smile at each other. After the baby is all feed and changed, we go back to our bedroom and put the baby in the bassinet. It didn't feel as strange this time when we went to bed and snuggled close together. We know we both love each other and neither one of us wants to lose that. Olivia woke us up a few hours later. Regina told me to go back to sleep and that she would take care of her because I and to work this afternoon. I did actually fall right back to sleep, but only for about an hour. I got up and went downstairs to see my family sitting at the table eating breakfast. I couldn't stop the emotions that came to me. My wife holding our baby daughter and older kids conversing happily with one another. Regina notices me and gets up with the baby in her arms and walks over to me. "Sweetheart what's wrong?"  I shake my head and shrug. "Emma, What it it?" I clear my throat and say. "I really missed seeing this. Our family together". She leans in and gives me a kiss. "I'm back now my love and we will get everything back on track". I smile and nod. "Now come on and sit down, I'll make you some fresh eggs". She hands me the baby and I sit and watch the kids as they talk about all the things that they want to do today. A few minutes later Regina puts a plate of scrambled eggs and home fries in front of me. She takes the baby and I reach for the last 3 pieces of bacon but Emmitt steals the plate away. I let out a little chuckle. "Hey you little punk, I didn't get any yet". I say jokingly. "Sorry daddy, looks like your gonna have to arm wrestle me for it". Everyone lets out a big laugh, then he pushes the plate back towards me. "You can have it daddy. I was just kidding".  "Thank you my son". He gives me a big smile. After breakfast we send the kids to watch a video and Regina and I called Dr. Archie Hopper. He said he could see us this afternoon and that he would come to the farm because he knows it's hard for us to get away.

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