Chapter 8

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Regina takes Emma up the back stairs of the farmhouse. It's the private entrance to the attic apartment. They walk in and it's a nice room with a full size bed, a kitchen with all the needed appliances. The bathroom has a nice bath tub/ shower combo. There is a nice tv and a loveseat and a reclining chair. "This is a very nice place. Thank you for letting me stay up here". "Your welcome. Here is the key. It opens this back door as well as the door that lets you into the main part of the house. I am the only one who that has a spare key and it's locked up in my safe". Emma nods as she takes the key. "It's time for lunch, would you like to join us downstairs?"  "Ahh, ya ok". Regina smiles. "Great. After lunch I can go to the store for you if you'd like. There isn't any food up here, so I can get you a few things". Emma just nods. "Come on. I'll show you the way using this inside door". She opens the door and there is a staircase that goes down to the second floor where the bedrooms are, then they go down another flight of stairs that leads to the main part of the house. They join the 3 boys, Zelena and Alice in the dinning room. Emma sits next to Regina, just like she did last night. "Good afternoon ladies, welcome back Emma". Alice says and everyone shares smiles. "I hope you both are hungry. I made some Italian panini sandwiches and some pasta salad. The sandwiches are still warm and here are some toppings if you'd like for them. I also have some fresh made ice tea, can I get you both a glass?"  They both smile and nod and they each take a sandwich and they add their toppings. Emma can't get over this food. Before last night, it had been a few months since she had regular meals like this. She used to go to Granny's diner a lot to eat, but she hasn't been there since her abduction. The conversation at the table is mostly what's been going on around the farm that morning. Everyone what was scheduled for a riding lesson had shown up. All the animals had their morning feeding. They talked about some of the repairs that need to be done and before you knew it lunch was over and everyone was going back to work. Again it was just Emma and Regina at the table. "Are the meals always like this?"  "Like what dear".  "Well great food and easy conversation".  "Most of the time yes. It's kind of like a family here I guess you could say. We mostly talk about the work. Sometimes it's about if they met some new love interest. I think it's something we all need, so it just works for us. The brothers told me they never had anything like this while they were growing up and Ian's family hasn't talked to him in almost a year".  "Wow. Regina this is really wonderful thing you've got going on here".  "And you are welcome here any time you need to Emma. It may take a little time to believe, but you are safe here with us". Emma nods. "So have you thought of anything you'd like at the store?"   "I don't know. I really can't think of anything just yet".  "Ok. Just let me know and I'll be happy to go and get it for you. So, how would you like to go spend some time with Rocinante? I could use some help giving him a bath".  "Ok". They walk out to the barn and Regina shows Emma everything they need to give Rocinante his bath. They have the shampoo, some sponges, the stuff for his mane and tail, the stuff for his hooves so they don't get dry from the soap and Regina made sure not to forget his treats. They take him out of the stall and walk him out to the back of the barn to where the bath station is. "Would you like to give him a treat before we start?"  "Oh, I don't know. What if I do it wrong and he bites me by accident?"  "I'll show you. You just put you hand out as flat as you can and put the treat right in the middle of your palm, and he'll eat it right out of your hand". Emma watched as the horse ate right out of Regina's hand. She handed Emma a treat so she could try it. She takes the treat and did the same thing Regina did. She couldn't believe it when he ate it right out of her hand. "Oh my god. Did you see that. That was awesome. He didn't bite me or anything". Regina chuckled at Emma's child like excitement. They bathed the horse together after Regina gave instructions on what was to be done. After the bath they took Rocinante for another walk. "So I was thinking, how would you feel about trying to ride him tomorrow?"   "Oh no, no, no. I really shouldn't. I've always been kinda clumsy and I just know that I'd fall and break something. I'm all set with that". Emma says with a little laugh. "Ok. Then how about you just see how it feels to be sitting up there. We don't have to go anywhere".  Emma doesn't like  the sound of this at all. "I'm sorry no. I just, I'm just really nervous about that".  "I understand, and it's ok. We can do everything at your speed, because nothing will work unless your ready for the next step. We can try something else with him".  They walked quietly for a while when Regina suddenly got an idea. "Emma do you like to swim?"  Shes a little confused by the question. "I'm sorry what?"  "Do you like to swim? There is a stream out in the back that I take the horses to sometimes. Rocinante loves to splash around in the water".  "Seriously. Horses like the water?"  "There are some that don't, but this big guys does. Come on, I'll show you where it is". They walked to the back of the farmhouse and up a little hill. At the top of the hill, Emma can see the water. It was a beautiful secluded area that she really wouldn't mind coming back to. "So what do you think, want to play in the water with us tomorrow?"  "Sure, but I'll have to go over to my place, I didn't bring any clothes to swim in".  "Great. Your going to love it. It's so refreshing. I have to run a few errands later if you'd like to come for the ride, then we can stop by your condo".  "Ya, ok. Thanks". They take Rocinante back to the barn and they both brush him, they make sure he has some food and water, then they both go back to the house so they can freshen up before dinner. After dinner Regina starts to gather her things. "Emma are you ready? I have to run out to the store, the post office and then to your place if you want".  "Ahh yeah. Sure". She doesn't really want to go to those places, but Regina will be with her and she did just take her anxiety medication so she should be ok. They leave the farm and Regina drives to the post office and pulls up right in front. "I just have to mail these in that box, I'll be right back". Emma nods. She can see Regina the whole time. She gets back in the truck and drives over to the grocery store. She pulls into a parking spot and turns the engine off. "I just have to pick up a few things, would you like to go in with me?" Emma looks around the parking lot, it doesn't seems to busy, and she doesn't want to be alone so she agrees to go into the store. Regina hands her a little red basket and gets one for herself. "What is this for?"  "I told you that there is no food up in the apartment, so if you want a few snacks we're here might as well get what you want". Regina says with a smile. They walk around the store and they each get a few things. While they were in the snack isle 2 guys come walking up pushing a cart with food and a lot of beer. They are laughing and talking about the party they are going to have for their friends birthday. Emma becomes completely nervous and Regina can see her shaking. Regina grabs hold of her hand and holds it tight. "It's ok Emma. I promise. I'm right here with you. This store has security, so there is now way anyone can hurt you". Emma looks her in the eyes and nods her head. She watches the 2 men very closely. They grab a bunch of different chips, popcorn, pretzels and much more, then they leave the isle and continue shopping. Emma lets out a big breath and a tear slips out from her eyes. Regina puts her basket down and wraps her arms around Emma. "Why can't I just be ok Regina. I miss who I used to be. Will I ever get through this?"  "I believe you can Emma. Look how far you've come in just a few days. Look where we are right now, you are out in public in a grocery store. Last week did you ever see yourself here so soon?"  She shakes her head no. "It's ok that you felt uncomfortable just now, but it's ok because your still healing and you did so good Emma. I'm so proud that you did run away. It's going to get easier every time you are out".  "Thank you for being here for me, otherwise I probably would have curled up in a ball and cried, then I'd probably be sent off to the loony bin".  Emma says with a small smile. "So do you think you can continue with our shopping?"  "Ya I think I'll be ok". Regina smiles, picks up her basket and takes hold of Emma's hand again as they walk into another isle. The rest of the shopping experience was thankfully uneventful. They paid for the groceries and left.

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