Chapter 13

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Emma hears a knock on the outside door. She walks over and moves the curtains to the side to see Regina standing there. She opens the door. "May I come in Emma?"  "It's your house Regina, do what ever you want". Emma walks away and goes to the refrigerator. She gets out a beer and quickly starts drinking it. "I'm really sorry Emma". "Ya. You already said that Regina. It's fine. I'm ok".  "Can we talk Emma, please". Emma goes on the defensive now. "What do you want to talk about Regina. You want me to leave the farm now?  Fine I already started packing. Why would you want me here anyway. I pissed  you off at dinner tonight in front of your family. I pissed myself like a little kid. I'm just a fucking loser Regina. I'm no good for anyone not even myself".  "Emma please don't say that. Can we sit down and talk this out please?"  "Whatever". They both sit at the table in the kitchen area. "Yes Emma I did get a little upset with you asking me if I was hungry at dinner because I had two plates, and I really don't know why I got angry. It was just a simple question that I now know wasn't meant to hurt me. Then you left in the middle of Zelena's party and didn't say anything to me, and that upset me even more. So when the party was over I rushed up here to confront you. I wasn't thinking when I slammed the door or spoke so harshly to you. Everything that happened after that is totally my fault. I don't know what to say other that I wasn't thinking. I hope that maybe you can forgive me. I love you Emma".  "Regina I can forgive you, but do you really think this is going to work out between us, we can't even have a normal argument without me freaking out".  "Emma wait please. That wasn't a fair argument. You were asleep sweetheart, besides we've had disagreements before and you were fine during those. I know that you left the party because you were upset that I got mad, and it was completely unfair of me to start an argument when you weren't even awake. All of this my fault. Please can we work this out, and why did you say you started packing?"  "Oh Regina I just get so tired of this sometimes. Not us or being here on the farm, but of trying to be who I was before. I don't think I can be who I was. I don't think I can be the sheriff anymore. I don't have a feel for it anymore. I like what I do here. I like being with the animals, and taking care of them. I like being here with you and spending our days and nights together. Then there is a part of me that taunts me, saying what a loser I am because I'm not good enough for you, that I'm not good enough anymore to be a police officer, and that scares me because what if that part of me is right. Then what do I do. I'll have no job, no place to live, no love of my life so what good is living if I don't have any of that?"  "Sweetheart. It's ok if you don't want to be Sheriff anymore. Working here you will still be helping people, and as far as not being good enough for me, you need to put that thought right out of your head. I've never known anyone like you before. I've never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. I trust you with everything I have and everything that I am. We have a love that I never ever felt before Emma Swan, but I won't force you to stay here if you don't want to. I love you and I know you love me, I can feel it, but the choice is yours and I hope you choose love, because love can always win Emma".  Emma lets out a big sigh. "I do love you Regina". Regina quickly gets up and straddles Emma's lap and gives her a deep kiss. "Please tell me your not going to leave".  "I'm definitely not leaving while your sitting on me like this". Emma says with a smile trying to lighten this way to heavy mood. Regina leans in and gives Emma another kiss, and this one turns passionate very quickly. "Emma I want you baby, please". Regina whispers in Emma's ear. "What do you want babe?"  "I need you sweetheart. Now please". Emma wastes no time. They both stand up and start undressing each other. They don't even go to the bed, Emma just lifts Regina up on top of the table. The sex is not as slow and sensual as it usually is. This is more like angry sex. They are Both ripping and tearing at each other like they both have something to prove, and they do. They love each other. Once their clothes are off, Emma enters Regina quickly, but definitely not in a violent way. This is a sorta make up type of sex and Emma takes full control and Regina can't help but want everything Emma can give her. Emma is making hard, quick thrusts into Regina and she's loving it. "Harder Emma, harder. Now". Emma goes as hard as she can, she's so close right now. Just then Regina has her orgasm, but that still doesn't make Emma slow down. She's still going hard. Her own orgasm is not far away. Regina quickly goes over the edge again and Emma finally starts her own orgasm. Without saying anything to each other, this is the best sex either has ever had. After a few moments they start to come back to an almost normal breath and Emma slowly pulls out. They are still holding close to one another. "Fuck Regina. Fuck". That's all Emma can say making Regina laugh. Emma slumps down onto the kitchen chair. Regina slowly moves off the table and back onto Emma's lap. She gives her a tender kiss. "That was so incredible my love". Regina gives her another kiss and then lays her head on Emma's shoulder. Emma lets out a deep breath. "Yeah it was babe".  "Emma I'm so tired". Emma holds onto Regina tightly and stands up. She walks them over to the bed and gently lays her down, as Emma moves to stand up and Regina grabs her arm. "Please don't leave me Emma". She says almost crying. Emma leans in and kisses Regina. "Baby I'm not going anywhere, I'm just gonna lock the doors and come right back to bed to the love of my life". She gives Regina another kiss and a smile. She locked all the doors, shut off the lights and got in bed. They both snuggled in close together and fell asleep holding one other.

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