Chapter 19

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"Regina. Come on. How long does it take to pee on a few sticks?"   "I'll be out in a minute Emma. Relax". Emma lets out a sigh. Finally Regina come out of the bathroom and Emma stands up straight. "Well? Are we gonna have a baby?"   "Emma it takes a few minutes. I'm sorry sweetheart. We will know soon what these tests results are, but my love they could be wrong. I will call the doctor on Monday no matter what the results are ok?"  Emma nods and they just sit quietly on the loveseat for a few minutes until the timer on Regina's phone goes off. Regina goes to stand but Emma stops her from walking away. "Regina no matter what those results are I love and I will love you as long as you allow me to". Regina starts to cry and sits back down as Emma takes Regina in her arms. After a few minutes Regina gathers herself. "Ok my love, it's time to check the results". Emma nods as Regina walks into the bathroom. Holding the tests Regina runs quickly into Emma's arms and kisses her. "What is it?" With tears streaming down her face she says. "Well my love according to all three tests we may be having a baby". Emma picks her up and swings her around and then kisses her. "Oh babe, thank you. Thank you".  "Emma,  I love you so much. I hope these tests are true. I want everything life can give us my love. I want a whole bunch of babies with you".  Emma takes Regina's face gently in her hands and gives her a kiss. "Regina, I want to give you everything you want and I promise I will try every day to make sure you and our babies are happy and safe".  Later that afternoon they went to a peaceful lunch with Regina's parents and sister then they spent all that night just snuggling and talking about the possibilities their future may hold. On Monday morning they started the work day as if it was any other day. When lunchtime came around they ate with everyone else then went up to the apartment so Regina could call her doctors office to make an appointment. They had an opening for the next afternoon which Regina happily took. Emma really wanted to go with Regina to her appointment but she told her it would be better for her to stay and work. She was just having some blood drawn and wouldn't be getting any information yet. Two days after the appointment while they were working together in the barn, Regina's phone rang. "It's the doctors office". Emma listened closely to Regina's side of the conversation. When the call ended Regina said. "That was the doctor with the results. It seems we will be having a baby Emma. I'm pregnant". There is a small smile on Regina's face and Emma isn't quite sure what that means. "Are you no longer happy that your pregnant Regina, because you don't look to happy".  "I'm sorry. I am happy. I am. It's just having confirmation now makes it real and it's scary. There is a very small life forming right here". She says rubbing her belly. Emma walks over to her, wraps her arms around her and kisses her forehead. "A life that we created with our love sweetheart. A cute little you and me will one day be running around this farm". Hearing that definitely makes Regina's face light up more and she has a beautiful smile on her face. "Oh boy. A little you and me, we are in for some serious trouble here". She says making them both laugh. Just then Zelena comes walking into the barn and sees them holding each other. "Do you two ever do any work out here besides fornicate in front of our horses?"  "Is there something we could help you with Zelena?"   "Yes Regina, I'm going inside now to make the calls for our orders, I was wondering if yours are finished so I can call them in".  "Yes. They are on my desk. Thank you Zelena". The sisters smile at each other and then Zelena turns and heads towards the farmhouse. They get back to work and when everything is done they go up to the apartment to get cleaned up for dinner. When they go downstairs Emma goes into the dinning room while Regina goes to her sisters office. "Hey Z, you busy?"   "I'm just finishing up. Do you have another order I need to call in ?"   "No. I wanted to have a chat with you before we eat if that's ok".  "I knew it, your leaving the farm aren't you?  You and Emma are getting married, and now you want to drop everything here on me. Damn it Regina, I wish you would have told me before we bought the farm together".  "Jesus Zelena. Can't you just shut up and listen for once?  No. Emma and I are not leaving the farm. We both want to be here. I wanted to tell you that my doctor called today with my pregnancy test results. Emma and I are in fact having a baby. You are going to be an auntie Zelena". Regina says with a smile on her face. To say that Zelena is happy is an understatement. She jumps up and runs to her sister. "Oh Reggie, I'm so happy. I can't wait for this little one to arrive she will be so spoiled". Regina laughs. "She?"   "Yes of course. Another Mills girl to take over the farm".  "Mills? What if I decide to give the baby Emma's last name? We are getting married".  "No. It has to be Mills". Just then Emma walks through the door. "Alice says let's go, dinner is getting cold and she's not heating it up". They both look at Emma and chuckle a bit. "I didn't think it was that funny, but ok".  "I'm sorry my love. I just told Zelena about the doctors test results".  "And that was funny?".  "No sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'll explain it all later. Right now, our baby is hungry. So let's all go get dinner, before Alice comes to find us". They all smile and go to the dinning room.

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