Chapter 21

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The next day I met with Archie to talk about seeing Sydney Glass. I told him that I had nightmares all night, but thank god I had Regina there for me to tell me I was ok and to hold me. He said I was handling things well so far and that I should keep practicing my anxiety exercises and make sure I take my medication as usual. I got back to the farm and had lunch with my family then got ready for one of the community center field trip that was coming in this afternoon. The bus comes rolling in at 3 o'clock and 15 kids come off and stand in line. They all seem to be well behaved so far. I introduce myself and tell the kids about the animals we have. Each kids gets a small bag of animal feed, I show them how to hold their hands while the animals eat from them and then I let the kids play with the animals carefully. I talk to one of the chaperons as we watch the kids. They all seem to be having fun. Franky and Ian are helping me out today with the kids. I see one little blonde boy alone petting one of the baby goats. "That one over there must be the loner of the group". I say pointing to the boy. "Yes. He's one of our new kids from the group home. His name is Emmitt. He's really a great kid. Very soft spoken".  "Do you think it's ok if I go say hi to him?"  "Sure. Go ahead". I walk over. "Hi. My name is Emma, I heard your name is Emmitt. That's cool we almost have the same name". He looks at me and gives a little smile. "Baby goats are my favorite too. One day I brought one into the house and I got in so much trouble, my wife cut me off for a whole week". I say making him laugh. "Cut off from what?"  I can't say what I was really cut of from so I just said. "I couldn't watch tv all week". He smiles and I swear he looks just like Henry, except with blonde hair. I sit on the ground next to him as we both fed the baby goat. "I heard you are new to the group home. I grew up in the system too". He looks at me with a surprised look on his face. "How do you like it here?"  "It's a lot better than the group home I was in before".  "Where was that Emmitt?"  "I was born in Lowell. I went to the home after my mom died in a car accident".  I give him a sad look and rub his back. "I'm really sorry you lost your mom. That must be very hard for a young guy like you". He just shrugs. "It's funny you should mention Lowell. I'm from Lowell too. I lived there for a long time before I moved up here about 11 years ago".  "Did you know my mom?"   "Oh I don't know. A lot of people live in Lowell and was in a lot of foster homes. What's your moms name?"  "My mom was Ashley Boyd". Hmm. I did date an Ashley for a little while.  "So your last name is Boyd?"  He shakes his head no. "My mom gave me dads last name. I'm Emmitt Swan". Swan. Holy shit. This can't be right. I do think he looks like Henry, but all kids look alike. Ian blows a whistle and it's snack time for the kids. "It's snack time Emmitt. Why don't you go with the rest of the kids to get something". He looks sad. "What's wrong?"  "I don't have any money for a snack". Fuck this kid is breaking my heart. "Well, you don't need money , but here is some Incase you ever go to the store and want to get something ok?"  I pull out a 10 dollar bill from my pocket and put it in his. "Now don't lose that ok?"  He is all smiles as he nods yes and gives me a hug. "Thanks Emma. Thank you so much".  "Your welcome buddy. Now go get a snack". He happily runs off and the chaperone comes over and says. "Whatever you said to him really made him happy".  "We actually have a lot in common, we're both from Lowell".  "Wow. That's a coincidence".  "Yeah. What do you know about him, like his parents or any relatives?"  "I'm sorry but I really can't discuss that".  "I know you can't, but he said his mothers name was Ashley. I knew an Ashley from Lowell. Him and I have the same last name. What if we are related". God it scares me just thinking about it. "Since you already know, Yes his mothers name is Ashley, there was no father listed, but I'm assuming his last name is Swan and that's why she picked that as Emmitt's last name".  I can't believe this. How do I even start to explain this?   "So there are no other relatives that you know of ?"   "None that we could find".   "I think I need to take a DNA test. My last name is Swan and I dated Ashley Boyd when I lived in Lowell .  I think I could be Emmitt's father".  She looks at me very strange. "I was born with a male reproductive system and I'm able to have children. My wife and I have 2 and one on he way, and Emmitt looks just like my son Henry. Look I know this is crazy, but if he doesn't need to be in the system and if he is my son I hope he would be ok living here with me and my family". She looks over at Emmitt and smiles at me. "Ok. I need to make a few calls. The first to our legal department then to the lab".  "How Long is this all gonna take. I don't want him being there longer than he needs to be. I will pay to put a rush on the tests or get my own lab. Please".  "Emma, look I. Oh wait. Maybe you could be right. Emma, Emmitt. Wow".  "Ya ya. So what were you gonna say?"  "Sorry. I promise I will make this as fast as possible. I don't want any kid to be in he system longer than they need to be".   "Thank you so much". I look over and see my wife and kids walking over to most likely see how field trip is going. "Please Excuse me, here are my wife and kids".  "How do you think they will take the news?"  "Good question". I say with a straight face. I greet my wife and kids and we pet the animals. Snack time is over so the kids come running back. Emmitt came right over to me. "Did you have a good snack bud?"  He nods yes. "I did, thank you".  "Emmitt. I would like you to meet my wife. This is Regina, and these are are our kids, this is Henry and Sophia".  He gives a shy smile and waves. Regina speaks to him first. "Hello Emmitt. It's very nice to meet you". She holds out her hand and he shyly shakes it. Our kids being more outgoing like Regina happily say hi and all 3 kids pet and feed the baby goat. Emmitt seems to be having a good time. He's getting along with my kids. "Emma my love, is it me or does this new kid look like Henry with blonde hair?"   "Hahaha. Ya babe. Crazy right?"  Shit. How am I going to tell Regina he may be mine?  Will she hate me, will she leave me, will she accept this kid if he is mine?  Fuck. I can't breathe. I'm starting to have an anxiety attack. Regina sees me and knows. "It's ok Emma. Go to the house and take your medicine. Everything is fine my love. I will take over here".  "Keep an eye on Emmitt please". I say with my shallow breathing. "Of course my love. All the kids will be fine". She gives me a reassuring kiss and I go take my medicine. I sit on the couch and I go through my breathing exercises. I start to relax and soon Regina and our kids come in. The twins run over to me saying how happy they were to meet a new friend that had a name that was like mine. We all eat dinner together, we have some nice family time then Regina and I get the kids ready for bed.

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