Chapter 10

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Once inside the apartment they share another passionate kiss, which Regina tries to quickly stop. "Emma wait. We can't continue this. Everything we did was so wrong. It was absolutely wonderful and wrong at the same time. You still need to work things out, I'm sorry I just got so caught up in the moment that I couldn't stop myself. Baby please don't hate me, but we have to wait a little bit".  Emma knows she's right, but she still feels rejected and that's not good for her in this moment. "I sorry Regina. I know your right. It was a beautiful moment between us, but I'm just not right in the head now. I do need to work things out. We can still do the horse therapy thing right?"  "Oh yes Emma. Yes. I want to help you so much. I hope I didn't ruin that with what we did. You are so wonderful Emma. I'm so falling in love with you".  "I love you too babe. Why don't you go down and have some dinner. I'm gonna take a nap. I'm usually tired after my appointments with Archie, and you definitely wore me out".  She says with a little laugh. Regina gives her a kiss. "I'll save you a plate my love".  "I'm already looking forward to it". They share one last kiss and Regina leaves to go downstairs. When the door closes, tears fall from Emma's eyes. "She's too good for me. I can let her fall in love with me. Shit. I have to leave now. I can't ruin her life like mine is". Emma begins to pack her things, but before she can escape Regina walks back  in with two plates of food. "Emma. What are you doing, where are you going?"   "I can't ruin you life Regina. Your so wonderful and I'm just, well me. I'm probably never going to be right again. You deserve so much better than someone like me". Regina puts the plates down on the table and walks to Emma. "What happened in the few minutes I was gone?  Did you lie to me when you said you were falling in love with me, was that just so I would have sex with you?"  "No Regina I swear. I am in love with you, but you just said we can't be together and your right".  "I meant we shouldn't focus only on a relationship right now. Your still learning to trust again. You are not like anyone I have ever met before. After everything you've been through your still a kind person and your so gentle. I need that in my life. I need you Emma. Please don't leave".  "What happens if I stay?"  "We continue to work on getting you better and we take things slowly between us. Is that ok with you?"  "So you still want me here and in your life?"  Regina gives her a kiss. "Yes Emma. I want you here and with me". She gives her another kiss. "So is this misunderstanding settled?"  Emma nods. "Good. Now let's have something to eat. Alice made baked macaroni and cheese with ritz cracker crumbs on the top".  Emma's mood definitely changed hearing that. "No way. That's my favorite ever". She says with so much excitement making Regina laugh. "Alice made it just for you. You said it was your favorite the other night and she always try's to make our favorites". They sit down and Emma digs right into the food. "Mmmm. This is awesome. She's getting a big hug from me next time I see her". After they eat Emma goes in to take a shower while Regina takes the dirty plates down to the kitchen. As she's washing the plates and silverware her sister Zelena comes in. "Oh there is my favorite sister. Where have you been hiding?"  "I had dinner upstairs with Emma".  "Oh, is that so. How are things with her?"  "Good. She's moving right along. Her an Rocinante are making great progress together".  "That's good to hear". Zelena has this strange look about her and Regina knows that something is on her sisters mind. "What's with all the questions Zelena?"  "Oh nothing dear. It's just nice to see you all getting along so well". Regina decides to just end the conversation. Her sister is hunting for something, but Regina is not in the mood for games. "Well if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a shower now".  "Enjoy Regina. I know how much you love the water. Oh, that reminds me. Did you both have a good swim in the lake this afternoon?"  Regina stops dead in her tracks. "What did you say!"  "The swim, I asked if you enjoyed it. You do know I can see the lake perfectly from my office window don't you?"  She says with a cocky smile on her face. "Zelena, were you watching us?"  "Well Regina. It was hard not to notice. You two splashed around more than Rocinante did".  "Oh Zelena stop. It just sort of happened".  Regina says looking guilty. "Relax sis. I'm just teasing you. It's about time you found someone to dust out your little".  "Zelena. Don't even finish that comment. I'm going to my room now good night". She leaves the kitchen and goes to take her shower. Later that night her and Emma watched a movie together then they spent the night  in Emma's bed just snuggling close to each other. The next week went well. Emma and Regina worked more with Rocinante. Emma even got up and sat in his saddle for a few minutes. They didn't move anywhere, it was just to let Emma see what it was like. She did promise Regina that soon she would slowly walk around with him, but only if Regina rode with her. This morning Emma is being awoken by sweet kisses to her neck and shoulders. "Hmm. Gina".  "Yes my love. It's time to wake up we have a lot of work today. You promised to help us fix that fence". Emma lets out a sigh and lifts her head to look at the clock on the nightstand. "Babe is 6 o'clock in the morning. We don't usually start till 8 ".  "Yes dear I know, but mother and daddy will be here in the afternoon and we need to get everything done. Now come on get up. Breakfast is almost ready".  "How about you guys go out there now and whatever you don't finish I'll do while you all have fun with your parents".  "Emma Swan get out of this bed now. You are not getting out of meeting my parents. We are in a relationship now and this is part of that. I will not let you hide from this.  Consider this part of your therapy. Meeting new people is good for you Emma, and my parents are the nicest people to meet. Now come on get up please".  "Oh damn. I hate when your right". Emma removes the covers from her body and gets up to get dressed. Her and Regina go have breakfast then they all go out to fix the fence. A few hours later it was done. They all then tended to the animals. When everything was done, the workers that didn't live on the farm left, the others went to take a shower to get ready for Regina's parents.

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