Failed Wedding

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I stood in the mirror in my wedding dress looking up and down. I was getting ready to Toni Topaz, a girl I had been with since I was 16-years old. My heart raced a mile a minute. That's when I heard the music, it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I had nobody to walk me down the aisle so it made me feel less uncomfortable. I saw Toni standing in her dress and I saw my bridesmaids smiling. Everyone stood up as I began to walk and it started to feel like I was gonna throw up. The truth was that I loved Toni, but I just wasn't ready for marriage.

I got up to the alter and the ceremony began. I looked over and saw Veronica and Betty easily sensing there was something wrong. But I looked away from them and we kept going.

"Cheryl, are you ok? Do you need something to drink?" Betty joked. I stuck my tongue out and then looked at the preacher. He was all smiley and happy about wedding two people. I saw Toni and she had a huge grin on her face. I looked over at my mom and she smiled and nodded. I looked back to the front and it was like the whole room was dizzy.

"Antoinette Wilma Topaz, do you take Cheryl Blossom to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, do you ta-"

I then collapsed on the ground and I was out cold. Yup, I ruined my wedding day. Like life can't get any worse?

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