The Matter

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"Hey Betty! Do you think that we can serve this pepperoni pizza while it's still hot?" Hermione asked from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the pizza.

"Also Betty, straighten your ponytail. You don't want to look like a mop."

"Sure thing boss. Dang, these shoes are killing me!"

"Watch your mouth!" Veronica sassed.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I meant these freaking shoes are killing me! Where the heck is Cheryl?"

"She passed out at her wedding, B. I don't blame her for taking the day off. Bring the side salad to table 9." Veronica said giving me the salad. I walked over to table 9 and handed them the salad. I looked out the window and saw a hot mysterious stranger riding a motorcycle down the street. It didn't matter, I wouldn't see him again. He was kinda cute though. But I needed to just focus on the rest of my day.

I stomped into Riverdale Pizza and grabbed my apron. I tied my hair into a ponytail and then I saw Veronica run up to me.

"Cheryl, What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't stay in the house! My mom was so overjoyed just to watch her daughter pass out!"

"What about Toni?"

"She doesn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her neither. I passed out at the wedding she was super excited for!" I cried out. Veronica pointed at the front door and I saw Toni standing there. I walked up to Toni and guided her outside.

"Cheryl, I don't understand. Why'd you pass out?"

"Look Toni, I love you I really do! It's just...I need more time to get married. Our wedding happened so fast."

"People are staring and laughing all the time at me, Cher. It's really embarrassing."

"Just ignore them." I weakly smiled. Toni and I hugged tightly. We looked at each other and smiled.

"How does a wedding in 3 weeks sound?" Toni smiled. I felt my heart race and I really didn't want to answer.

"We'll just talk about it later. I have to work right now." I said and I walked back into the Riverdale Pizza. I didn't know what to tell Toni, I just wasn't ready for marriage...

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