Andrews Construction

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All morning I babysat Vince while Archie was at work. Archie was working on an old mansion and making it pretty and livable again. Vince was watching "Bubble Guppies" and I was watching it with him.


"Yes Vince?"

"Can we go see Daddy at work?"

"I don't know. He's working really hard you want to draw and color?" I asked trying to hand him the coloring book. He took it and threw it across the room.

"No! I wanna see my Daddy!" Vince screamed and crossed his arms.

"Alright Vince, let me call your dad and see if it's ok to go to see him, ok?" I asked and nodded. Vince nodded and went back to watching TV. I walked into the kitchen and called Archie.

"Hey Veronica, is something wrong?"

"No! Everything is fine here. It's just that, Vince wants to see you and I didn't know if it was ok to bring him over there. Is that ok?"

"Of course! Be careful, there are a lot of sharp objects around the area. Feel free to come over here whenever you like."

I hung up and picked Vince up from the couch and helped him put his jacket on. I got my jacket on and we went out to my car. I put in his car seat and then I got in the drivers seat. We drove to the construction site and went inside the mansion being repaired.

"Archie, are you here?" I yelled. Archie came around the corner and took Vince from my arms. Archie kissed Vince's forehead and set him down on the ground.

"How was he this morning?" Archie asked.

"Good! We watched some television and I made him food. He's just really excited to see his dad and his mom in about 2 months." I smiled and nodded.

"Daddy, can I go on the porch and watch the construction workers?" Vince asked. Archie gave him a thumbs up and Vince went on the porch. I giggled and Archie started to walk upstairs and I followed. There was a huge balcony that looked over the beach.

"There's a legend that back in the 1700's, there was a British soldier that fell in love with a woman who was a colonist. They planned to live their lives in this house. He built it for months and they lived there for a little while. When the war was over and he had to go back to England, he promised her that he was gonna move back and to remember that his love would always bring him to her. However, while he was at sea...the ship crashed and everyone on the boat died...including him. She remarried to another man and had kids and they lived in this house. But she always had faith that maybe, just maybe, she would look at the beach and see him get off the ship. If you listen closely, on rainy nights, you can hear his footsteps on the balcony."

"That's absolutely a beautiful story. It's tragic but it's beautiful." I nodded.

"Or it could just be the squeaky board right here." Archie chuckled and stepped on the board to hear it squeak. I giggled and we looked at each other passionately.

"So...are you gonna fix the floorboard?" I asked.

"Absolutely not...I wouldn't mess with the love between two people for the life of me." Archie nodded. We looked at each other and saw Vince running towards us. Archie picked him up and we had a good day. But there was something there between Archie and was wrong. He was 28 and I am why do I feel this way?

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