Better Surprises

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It was just another day at the Riverdale Pizza. The girls and I stood talking about life. It was going average right now and I was healing my wound that was named Archie. Betty has broken up with Jughead and Toni dumped Cheryl. Cheryl then gasped and pointed at the door. It was Archie and Vince. I exchanged looks with the girls and then I went up to the boys.

"What can I get for you boys?" I asked.

"Nothing, we just came here to say goodbye for good. Life is back to normal and we don't need you to babysit anymore." Archie nodded. I got on my knees and cane eye to eye with Vince.

"Vince, promise me that you'll try to achieve your dreams. Achieve your dreams and never stop working hard because it'll be work it in the end, ok ?" I said. Vince nodded and we hugged. I then stood up and Archie handed me an envelope.

"I know that Penn State is only giving you a scholarship for 2-years. The check in there can pay for your 3rd year." Archie said. I sighed and then they walked out of the Riverdale Pizza. I went into the kitchen and the other girls followed me. I took out the check in the envelope and ripped it up into little pieces. Cheryl gasped and picked up the scraps.

"Veronica, are you crazy?! This is so much money!"

"She doesn't need to money." Betty said and put her arm around me.

"Then How is she supposed to pay for Penn State?" Cheryl shrieked.

"She'll find a way...our moms did after our dads died." Betty said. Betty and Cheryl then walked out of the kitchen and my mom and I hugged tightly.

"Mija, it'll be ok. You just need to trust me." Mom said. We then heard squeals and laughs from the other room. We ran out and saw Cheryl and Betty watching Moose Mason.

"Hello Guys, today I'm going to be telling you a place I went to. It's in Riverdale, Pennsylvania and it's called 'Riverdale Pizza'. The service was rustic, the people working there were stressed, and it was quite busy. The pizza there though was, how do I word this...magnificent. The cheese was stringy and the right amount and the spices in the sauce were outstanding! I suggest you go and eat the pizza, it'll be absolutely wonderful. I'll give it my highest rating, 5 stars! Peace out my fellow adventures." Moose Mason smiled and then the TV went to commercial. All 4 of us exclaimed and started jumping up and down. This was so amazing and great. My mom then left to pick up a call from the kitchen and 20 minutes later came back in.

"Guys...4 people called immediately and are coming this afternoon to get pizza! Business is back ladies!" Mom exclaimed. We all high-fived and laughed. What could get better than this?"

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