Pizza Surprise

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I was pretty much out of it for the whole day. My heart still was aching and I couldn't babysit Vince anymore. Why did I even kiss Archie back? I couldn't concentrate at all. I was wiping down a table and Betty walked over to me.

"V, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"You can talk to me about anything. Believe me, I've gone through heartbreak."

"Betty! I can't be talking about Archie right now! Just step off!" I yelled. I went to the kitchen and my mom automatically saw that there was something wrong.

"Mija, are you ok?"

"Mom, I'm just here to take the pizza to the table."

"No pizza to take right now. This place is starting to go out of business. Why go here when you could just get Pizza Hut or something?"

"That's why we should get Moose Mason to come here. We'd start getting a lot more business. He's really famous for his food reviews!" I exclaimed. My mom scoffed and started to get mad.

"Why do you care so much, Ronica? Do you have a crush on Moose Mason or something?"

"No! I just know that you love working here...and I don't want you to lose this place just like how you lost Daddy." I said. Mom sighed and hugged me.

"Veronica, I miss your father everyday. But I'm keeping this business open for us or at least when I give it to Cheryl. You've said you wanted to start your own Makeup and Fashion business. Betty is probably gonna get married to her Rich-White boyfriend." Mom smiled. I snickered and then I went straight back to waitressing. I went up to the table not even looking at the customer.

"Hello, what would you like today?" I asked.

"Yes, can I have a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and cheese in the crust. I would like a glass of water with ice please." They said. I looked up and I was in was THY MOOSE MASON. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and just about had a mental breakdown.

"Mom, I need the best pizza you have ever made!"


"Moose Mason is here right now, look!" I yelled. I pointed and she shrugged when she saw him. She obviously didn't care what he thought or the fact that if he gives us a bad review, our business is pretty much done for.

"We need a pepperoni pizza with cheesey crust." I said. Betty and Cheryl walked in and apparently had been eavesdropping on the whole conversation. My mom took one out of the oven and put it on a platter and I gave Moose Mason the pizza. I then went back into the kitchen and the 4 of us just sat there watching him.

"I don't think I've seen anyone eat so slow." Cheryl whispered. He took 2 bites and then got up. He put money on the table and he left. I had no clue what this meant and it was quite nerve racking. The 4 of us exchanged looks and sighs.

"Whatever ladies, I hope he gets cheese shoved up his butt." Mom yelled and then went to the bathroom. Oh no, what was gonna happen now?

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