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I was in the kitchen putting the pizzas together before the Riverdale Pizzeria opened. Cheryl and Veronica were watching this guy on TV who goes to small towns and tries their food and then gives opinion about it on Live Television. His name is Moose Mason. Hermione Lodge couldn't stand the guy.

"I just had the perfect idea! What if we got the guy to come here?" Veronica exclaimed.

"That's a perfect idea, Veronica! Can we get Moose Mason to come here and try our pizza?" Cheryl asked. Hermione scoffed and shook her head.

"I wouldn't let the moron in the door!" Hermione yelled.

"Why?! It could get us a lot of business!" Cheryl said.

"Look! We have what we need. We have the Riverdale Pizza! Hiram gave me the money to start this business and I'm hoping that maybe I can pass it onto one of you girls! No Moose Mason, understood?" Hermione said. We all nodded and went back to doing what we're doing. A few hours later, it was really busy and I was the only waitress doing this today.

"Hey, can I take your order? Make it quick, I want to go home." I said not looking up from my notepad. I looked up and it was that beanie boy from the bar last night.

"Betty Cooper...you're a very difficult woman to find. Took me forever to find your address and where you work."

"You're stalking me now?" I smirked and I sat down.

"I am, you're beauty got to me yesterday."

"So...what's your name, hottie?" I asked.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III...but my friends call me Jughead." He nodded.

"Figures." I nodded.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked me. I smiled and wrote my number on a napkin and handed it to him.

"I'm free tonight...if that's good with you." I smirked again. It's been too long without a date.

"I'll pick you up from your house at...8:30PM?"

"Sounds perfect...so do you actually want pizza?"

"No, I just wanted to come and see you. I'll see you around, Cooper." Jughead winked and he left. I smiled to myself and went straight back to work. He was cute and I wanted to get to know him. Cheryl has Toni, Veronica was obviously crushing on Archie, and now I was in a flirty relationship with Jughead. I don't think life can get any better than this.

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