Starry Night

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I tucked Vince in and I decided to take the telescope from the living room and look at the stars in the sky. I liked seeing the planets and shooting stars up-close. I heard a car pull in the driveway and saw Archie get out of the car.

"Hi Archie! How was work?"

"Pretty well. What about you?"

"Very nice! Also, Vince behaved very well. I hope you don't mind me using your telescope."

"Not at all! It's nice to see that thing finally come to use. Would you like anything to drink? A soda or water?"

"I'll have some red wine." I said. I needed to sound classy and dominate. Archie seemed shocked and went inside. He came out a few minutes later with two glasses of wine and handed one to me.

"What have you seen, Ronnie?" He asked. Nobody had ever called me Ronnie before...but I liked it.

"I've seen Saturn and Jupiter. Also, there are a few stars that seem really pretty. In a few days, I hear there's going to be a meteor shower in a couple days. It's really exciting and it's in the only course in high school that I found interesting."

"If you got into Penn State, then that means you must've had a good. I had a 3.6 GPA." Archie nodded.

"I had a 3.7 GPA. My sister, Betty, had a 3.0 GPA...she could go to Community College but she doesn't want to. My sister, Cheryl, had a 4.0 GPA. But she doesn't need college because she has her girlfriend, Toni Topaz, to take care of her." I nodded.

"Toni Topaz? As in 'T&T Construction?" Archie asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry! I completely forgot you guys were rivals-"

"No! Don't worry about it! Toni Topaz is a very clever girl and a good business woman. You'd make an even better one though. I want to make a toast, to stars and meteor showers!" Archie exclaimed. We laughed and clinged our glasses together. We continued to look at the stars and we had fun together.

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