A New Date

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I got home from work and went straight to my room to get ready. I put on my best dress and did my makeup. I put on my heels and went downstairs and saw Jughead sitting in the living room with my mom.

"Elizabeth, there's a very scary looking guy who wants to go out with you. I want you kids to have fun...I guess." Mom rolled her eyes and left the room. Jughead stood up and smiled.


"Yup. Are we gonna go now?" I asked. Jughead nodded and we went outside. He had a truck and he sighed.

"I know it's not good...but it's something. It's a little rubbish."

"I love rubbish trucks. Now come on, let's go somewhere hot." I smirked. Jughead smirked and we got in the truck. We started to drive and then we arrived at an expensive Italian Restaurant. We went inside and we sat down...but I noticed that nobody was here.

"Jughead, where's the other customers?"

"I rented out the place. It's just the two of us and the chefs and waiters. Hello, we would like two glasses of wine." Jughead nodded and said to the waiter.

"I can't drink...not here anyways. I'm only 18...please tell me you're not like, 40 or something?!"

"No, I'm 21-years old. Anyways, sparkling ice for the lady. Anyways, can we get a bowl of salad and then a bowl of Alfredo pasta." Jughead said. The waiter nodded and then left us alone.

"So Jughead, is your family low-key rich or something?"

"We...we are higher class than most. But I'm not classy, I'm really reckless."

"Reckless, huh? Then you're exactly my type. I love reckless bad boys. What's your family like?" I asked trying to start small talk.

"My mom is an auto-mechanic/ business woman and my dad is a cop. I have a little sister named Jellybean and she's 11-years old. What about you?"

"Well...try to keep up. I have 2 best friends that are 18 also named Veronica and Cheryl. All 3 of ours dads were in a critical car accident and didn't make it. We were only 12 at the time. All 3 of our moms moved into the same house and we moved in with them. We became one big family. My friends and I are waitresses at the Riverdale Pizza. My mom is a journalist, Hermione Lodge owns the Riverdale Pizza, and Penelope Blossom is a dancer. What are you doing with your life?"

"That really sucks about your dad. I'm really sorry. I'm currently in my 3rd year of pre-med. I want to be a doctor when I'm older, What about you?"

"I'm just gonna keep waitressing at the Riverdale Pizza. Oh! Food is here!" I exclaimed. We joked and ate our dinner and when it was over, he paid for it. This guy was a dream. We walked outside and we saw a shooting star.

"Make a wish, Jones."

"I have everything I want...Cooper." Jughead smirked. I smiled and we kissed. It was passionate and like I said...it had been too long without me going on a date.

He drove me home and we kissed before I went inside. I ran to my room and fell on top of Veronica's bed on top of her.

"Ow! Jeez Betty! What happened to you?" Veronica groaned. I laughed and then got into my bed and changed my clothes.

"I had the best night ever with a hottie from a bar I went to last night." I smiled. Cheryl shot up for her bed and gasped.

"Beanie Boy?!" Cheryl exclaimed. I nodded and she squealed. Veronica rolled her eyes and went back to sleep. Cheryl and I teamed up and started hitting her with pillows. Veronica got up and started to hit up with pillows. We laughed and had a huge pillow fight. I was with my favorite people on this planet.

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