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I needed to make money somehow. I was working at the Riverdale Pizza and this babysitting job. It checked into the family history I would have an interview with. The man's name was Archie Andrews and he was
28-years old with a 3-year old son named Vince. The interview was just at his house and I had the address. I arrived at the house and Mr. Andrews let me in.

"Hi Ms. Lodge!"

"Please, call me Veronica. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Andrews." I smiled and we shook hands.

"Please, call me Archie. old are you and why do you need the money?"

"I'm 18-years old. I'm getting ready to attend Penn State and I need money for college. I also love little kids!" I exclaimed.

"I graduated from Penn State! I own Andrews Construction. Anyways, let me go get my rascal." Archie smiled and went away into a room. I looked around the living room and it was very nice. It was Sailer themed. I turned around and saw a little boy.

"This is my son, Vince. He's a little upset right now. His mother, Valerie, left for a business trip yesterday." Archie said. I knelt down and got face to face with Vince.

"Hi Vince, my name's Veronica. How old are you?"

"I'm 17!" Vince exclaimed.

"You're 3-years old! Anyways, Veronica...I was thinking about $30 everyday you come here to babysit while I work or something. It's really busy right now." Archie nodded. I gave him a thumbs up and Vince brought me a book.

"Read to me, Ronica!" Vince yelled. We went to the couch and I sat him on my lap. I opened the book and started to read. Archie set the money beside me on the couch and I continued to read to his son. I learned that Vince and Archie were very nice people and I couldn't wait to spend more time with them.

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