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"Good morning!" Taehyung greeted excitedly, skipping towards his mother and engulfing her with a warm back hug.

"Taebear! Good morning, little beauty." His mother smiled at him, turning her body slightly to ruffle Taehyung's hair and kissing his cheeks. "I'm making breakfast, could you go buy eggs while I finish here?"

"Of course Eomma!" He removed himself from his mother and saluted at her, "I'll be going now!" His mother waved, wishing him safe travels as Taehyung walks outside with a slight bounce on his steps while greeting the people passing by.

"Taetae!" A voice yelled from behind, tackling him with a hug. "Good morning!"

"Bogumie-hyung." Taehyung chuckled, letting Bogum adjust his hold to keep his arms around Taehyung, "Good morning." He smiled his famous boxy grin at him.

"What are you doing at this fine morning?" He said with an accent lacing on the voice as a form of joke.

"I've to find err precious eggs" Taehyung jokingly nudged back, a pirate accent laced on his wordings. They both laughed at each other's impression, stopping by at a shop to buy eggs.

Just as he ordered, a familiar voice shouted once again and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Taehyungie!" Baekhyun placed his chin on Taehyung's shoulder, looking over at the shop.

"Morning kiddo." Chanyeol appeared beside him, pinching Taehyung's cheeks which made Taehyung pout but nonetheless smiled at them.

"Good morning hyungs!" He cheerfully greeted back, watching the shopkeeper packing the needed amount of eggs.

"Running errands for your mother?" The shopkeeper asked behind the stall. Taehyung nodded at him, gently taking the packaged eggs.

"Mhm! I am also willing to help. Do you have anything that I can also help with?" The shopkeeper smiled at the offer, shaking his head.

"Thank you for the offer. I have nothing to worry about in the stall." Taehyung gave him the money and the shopkeeper was about to give him the change however Taehyung quickly raised his hands up.

"Take the change mister, you might need it more than I do." 

"Thank you son" He said and waved goodbye at the boys as they walk away from the stall. Taehyung waved back ecstatically, sending him a boxy grin before turning around to face the pathway back home.

As they walked back, Bogum had completely separated himself from the group, finding no gap to talk as Taehyung's other friends take the younger away.

"You are so cool." Baekhyun praised, admiring Taehyung for his kindness.

"You flatter me too much, hyung." Taehyung giggled, covering his mouth at the compliment.

"No, seriously. You're really cool for doing kind deeds." Chanyeol added, making a pink dust spread over Taehyung's cheeks as they continue to compliment him.

"Okay! Okay!" Taehyung swatted them away, laughing at their dejected faces. "See you again, hyungs!" They waved at each other before entering the house with the packaged eggs in his hand.

"Eomma! I'm home." He shouted to inform his mother of his presence; he entered the kitchen and placed the eggs on the counter of the kitchen before looking over at the dining table.

"That smells great." He commented, eyeing the foods that are presenting itself on the table.

"Thank you, little beauty." His mother appeared with the last plate, patting Taehyung's head then gestured to sit down. "Let's eat." They sat down and peacefully ate breakfast while conversing with each other.

After breakfast finished, Taehyung have been favored to do chores around the house. While he was doing his chores, Baekhyun came by and helped him continue his work at home.

Currently, they are doing laundry. Jackson appeared behind the fence, knocking on it to gain the attention of the two boys and peeking over the fence.

"Hyung! Great to see you here." Taehyung stood up from his crouched down position, drying his hands on a towel hanging on a nearby chair. They were at the backyard, a fence surrounding it to prevent intruders.

"Hey Tae." Jackson leaned on the fence, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun stood up, harshly glaring at Jackson with much hatred. Taehyung never understood the feud between them, but he learned not to ask. "Hitting with Taehyung again? Have I not told you to back off?" He sneered.

"Jealous much, Bacon?" If possible, it only made Baekhyunfurious at the use of the nickname. Jackson raised his eyebrow, his smirkgrowing wider in amusement. "I have an errand to little beauty here." He turnedto Taehyung, ignoring the fuming Baekhyun by the background.

"Sure!" Taehyung didn't hesitate to agree.

"I think that you shouldn't agree." Baekhyun stepped forward, his hand placing itself on Taehyung's shoulder while giving Jackson a warning using his eyes.

"Hyung, I just can't deny an offer." Taehyung pouted, looking back at Baekhyun with puppy eyes. "I trust Jackson-hyung."

"Don't hate on each other hyung and I just can't put down a offer to help someone" Taehyung pouted

Baekhyun sighed, giving Jackson one last glancethen nodded. "You're too sweet for your own good." He muttered under his own breath, going back tofinishing up the laundry.

"So, what is it?"

"I have a letter that I needed to be sent before night. I have some things that I have to do, that is why I couldn't do it. The address is written on the envelope already." Jackson explained, observing Taehyung if he's listening well. He leaned forward to whisper on Taehyung's ear.

"I will warn you. Do not get distracted and do not let your curiousness get the best of you. Just leave the letter on the mailbox and walk away." He warned, straightening his posture. "Remember that Taehyung. I don't want you to get hurt." There's something in his eyes that Taehyung could not decipher, however he snapped out of his staring once Jackson turned his back on him.


"I gave the letter to your mother; you can get it from her." Jackson, then, walked away. Not letting Taehyung counter questions at the suspicious behavior. Taehyung let his shoulders sag, walking back to finish the rest of the laundry.

"So? What did that punk say?"

"He just said to leave the letter and warned me to not get distracted. Which is weird, hopefully I'm not getting myself into a situation I wouldn't imagine."

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