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He blinked his eyes, once, twice then rubbed his eyes to see if the mansion standing in front of him will disappear. He let his jaw fall at the beauty of the mansion, thinking that all of this only existed on movies and stories.

At first, he was perplexed on where the path is leading him. He was sure that he got himself lost at some point after the trail stopped at the forest, He kept continuing, even when the trees covered him while he is running. He was about to give up and go back when lights in between the tree lit up, signaling him that there is indeed something.

He was bewildered at seeing the mansion, checking to see if he got the correct address by comparing it on the golden writing on the envelope and at the painted address on the side of the mailbox.

He carefully opened the mailbox, sliding the envelope inside and then turned around in a hurry. He took a few steps forward when he heard a door creak open which halted him from going any more steps.

He looked back with wide panicked eyes, seeing the wide brown door slightly open as if inviting him to enter. Taehyung closed his eyes, 'I shouldn't get distracted,' he reminded himself of Jackson's words. He was about to run away when something caught his attention.

With the door ajar, Taehyung could see a beautiful and rare osiria rose standing on the center of the mansion. Taehyung debated whether or not to peek, he decided that he'll just take a few minutes then he is out.

He pushed the door open, eyes gleaming with excitement at seeing an osiria rose. It is one of the rarest roses that he has encountered; he had been fond of osiria roses for as long as he could remember.

He looked around for a moment, checking if there are people around before entering the mansion with his eyes trained on the rose.

"Magnificent." He said to himself, seeing the osiria rose up-close. It mesmerized him, seeming to glow inside of the glass that trapped it inside. Even with the glass covering it, he felt as if he could smell its intoxicating sweet fragrance all around.

His eyes roamed on the rose, taking in every detail as a smile gracefully formed on his lips. The exquisite combination of blood-red on the outside and the silvery-white inside, it reminded him of his childhood days.

After looking at the flower, he looked around the mansion. He had completely forgotten the warning and got himself distracted by the view of the mansion. There are stairs on each side of the center, golden railings and carvings swirling up at the balcony that stood on top where it has the view of the door and the center.

His eyes quickly gazed upon the different colored roses that stood beside of every statue. There is a statue of a man that stood in the center, seeming to radiate off a sheer intimidation and authorization from its posture. Tall, with long legs, large lips, narrow chin and a masculine facial structure. Blue roses displayed beside it.

"This is incredible." Taehyung gasped, touching the roses lightly. His eyes flickered towards another statue on the right side of the statue in the center. It has wide shoulder, tall and lanky build with a small face, round face and eyes, large and round lips. Pink roses stood beside it.

Then his eyes casted over the statue next to it. Unlike the second statue this one is shorter, thin and has a petite frame and small eyes with a bit of chubby cheeks. There is some aura radiating off of it, a dark terrifying one that made Taehyung feel uneasy. Black roses stood beside it.

Taehyung moved to another statue beside the short man. This one has an average height and a slim body, the face is slightly longer and it has a beautiful nose shape. White roses stood beside it.

His focus shifted on the other side of the room where the remaining statues that he had not yet took in the details of. On the left side of the statue in the center, there is another statue that almost had a same height as the third man, but unlike the third one, this one had more of a muscular build. Squishy cheeks, plump lips, horizontally long eye shape and if Taehyung looked more closely, this one had monolids. One more thing that Taehyung have noticed is that this statue has small hands that made Taehyung coo a bit. Red roses stood beside it.

He moved to the next statue, his eyes stopping on the empty box on the middle of the two statues. It was as if it was reserved for someone or someone used to be there. He shook it off, moving onto the last one. This one has a large doe-like eyes, tall nose, and smaller lips. He also has an average height but has a muscular build. Purple roses stood beside it.

They were all wearing suits, all painted gold. His eyes once again travelled back to the empty spot. An unfamiliar feeling grazing over inside of him, as if there are so many secrets that he don't know.

Before he could even get under it, the door of the mansion closed with a large echoing sound flooding inside. Taehyung jumped at the startling sound, his heart thumping as he looks towards the door where there is a man standing with his hand lying on the door.

"Who are you?"

He turned around and looked around. On the left side of the stairs, there stood two men. On the right side, only one man stood. He could probably guess that he man by the door is also part of them. On the middle, two men stood beside each other, the blond-haired man has his arms wrapped around the black-haired man,

Taehyung stiffened under their gazed, his body frozen in fear. His thoughts swirl with plenty of idea on how he's going to die. The warning that Jackson gave repeatedly boomed in his head.

With his careless antics, he got himself stuck inside of a mansion with 6 men who are waiting to interrogate the poor boy.

"Let me repeat myself. Who are you?" Taehyung slightly stumbled backwards at having his head snap up towards the blond man who is giving him a scrutinizing stare.

"I-I was only-only told to-to l-leave a letter but-! I-I got distracted! That was-was all to it. I pr-"

"Silence." The man beside the blond-haired raised his hand up with his index finger up to silence the terrified boy.

"I'm sorry!" He squeaked out, looking down on the floor with his hand fiddling on the hem of his shirt. He could feel himself shrink at the intimidating gazes on him, uncomfortably shifting on his feet.

He could hear footsteps stepping on the marble tile of the stairs, and the fear hit him full force. What are they going to do with me? They're not going to kill me, right?! Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to get killed! I should have rejected the offer, or I shouldn't even have been here-

"Introduce yourself." He turned towards the voice, gulping down his fear to face the man. The black-haired man that was beside the blond man has his lips turned up in a small smile then looked at him fondly.

They're not going to kill me?

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