【thirty four】

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My hands grip around the toilet bowl as I release the gross substances out of my body. Tears form in my eyes from the amount of pain hitting into my stomach. I throw up a few more times, until I flush the toilet and clean my mouth up. This has happened every day this week.

Letting out a sigh, I open the door to exit the bathroom. My body jolts back when I see Duke standing in front of me. His arms are crossed over his chest and he's looking at me with pure taunt. I already know what he's going to say.

"Again?" He cocks an eyebrow up.

"Yes." I mumble while looking down.

"Savannah, this happens way too often. It's been, what, a week? Every morning I hear you puking your brains out." He shakes his head.

"Grayson is in the process of being placed in jail, obviously my body isn't right." I nervously gulp while feeling my stomach rumble again.

"You never got your period." He lowly points out while peering into my soul. "Please, you need to take a pregnancy test."

I continue to stubbornly shake my head back and forth. "No, I don't want to."

"You need to know if you're actually pregnant."

"I'm just so fucking scared." I admit with a shaky voice. The thought of raising a baby without Grayson terrifies me.

"Don't be afraid." He whispers while stepping closer to me. "Let's go to the store and figure it all out."

I stare into his big brown eyes, seeing a shred of hope in them. I trust Duke more than I trust myself. My conscious knows that he's right. There's a chance that I could be pregnant and I need to know the truth.

I give in and nod my head, walking over to grab my wallet and a light denim jacket to throw over my body. I step toward the door and turn back to face him. "Okay, let's go."

Duke trails behind me while grabbing his keys. We exit the apartment and head over to his car. I get into the passenger seat and wait for him to leave.

I stay silent the entire drive over to the store. My mind is telling me that I'm probably not pregnant, that I'm sick due to the heavy amount of stress I've been dealing with for the past three weeks.

However, my body is telling me otherwise. All the signs are there. Missing my period, throwing up and constantly feeling nauseous, always having to pee twenty four seven. My breasts are swollen and I'm always so tired and drained. Even though I'm in denial, I can't change the fact that my entire body shifted.

When Duke pulls into the parking lot, my nerves go crazy. He turns to look at me before lightly nodding his head. Without passing him a comment, I get out of the car and try to control my heavy breathing.

I follow my best friend into the drug store, walking down a few aisles. My feet come to an abrupt halt when I spot a selection of pregnancy tests.

"Which one should we get?" Duke whispers, scanning over each one carefully.

"Uhhh, I guess this one." I pick up the Clear Blue brand, holding the box into my shaky hands.

"Maybe you should get two, just in case." He gulps while picking up a second box.

"Yeah, good idea." I nod my head.

"I can't believe you might be pregnant." He blurts out. I can tell the reality is hitting him just as hard as it's hitting me. We went from serving drinks at the bar, to investigating files in the office, to buying pregnancy tests. This is one hell of a friendship.

"I know." I whisper as I head toward the check out area. The store is practically empty, so there's no line. I walk up to the woman at the cashier and flash her a fake grin.

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