【thirty five】

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My leg bounces up and down in a quick motion, making my body grow even more nervous. I continue to stare up at the outside of the large prison, taking the scenery in. It took me a few days to muster up the courage to tell Grayson about my pregnancy. After some convincing, I decided that today is the day. I want to be honest with him, no more lies or secrets.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Duke lowly whispers while staring at me. I'm currently sitting in the passenger seat of his car, terrified to move a muscle.

"No, it's okay. This is something I need to do on my own." I nod, turning my body to look at him.

"Okay. I'll be waiting here if you need me." He looks back at the steering wheel.

My hand slowly reaches for the door handle, pulling on it with a light force. "It's now or never." I say while getting out of the car.

"Good luck." He flashes me a small smile.

"Thanks." I quickly respond before shutting the door.

I exhale a deep breath while taking a few steps toward the entrance. The dull atmosphere of the building already sends chills down my spine. I straighten my posture as I enter the prison, already aware that it's visiting hours.

The woman behind a glass window looks up to greet me, a plain expression on her face. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm here to visit inmate Grayson Dolan." I tell her.

She nods her head and looks at me. "And you are?"

"Savannah Jacobs, his fiancé."

She nods her head with a sad smile, rummaging through a draw. She pulls out a little pass that has the words visitor written across the top. "You can head through those doors." She nods her head toward double metal doors on the left of me. "I'll tell the guards to send him into the visiting area."

"Thank you." I nod my head and walk in the direction she motioned to.

A few officers pat me down once I enter to make sure I'm weapon free. I find this ironic, considering this used to be my job. Once I'm all cleared, I enter the large visiting room.

It's a place where you talk to your loved one through a phone and a glass window. I let out a sigh as one of the men lead me over to the stall where Grayson will appear from. I take a seat and anxiously wait to see him. My foot taps on the floor as I clear my throat.

My eyes suddenly land on a guard bringing Grayson over to me. My heart stops beating once I see him. His hair is pushed up, but still sexy. Some stubble is forming on his face and a tired look is in his eyes. He's wearing an orange jumpsuit. The guard places him in front of me before walking away. I immediately pick up the phone, and he does the same.

"Grayson." I smile widely while staring at him.

"Hello beautiful." He grins. "God, you look as gorgeous as ever."

"How have you been?" I ask with an eager tone to my voice.

"I've been okay." He casually shrugs his shoulders. "It isn't too bad in here."

"Really?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"It's obviously not ideal, but it's manageable. I'm surprised you didn't come see me sooner." He lightly jokes.

"Sorry, I've been busy." My voice trails off.

"Did you get fired?"

"Yup, the day you turned yourself in." I let out a short sigh.

Grayson scoffs while shaking his head back and forth. "I never wanted this."

"It's okay. I've been staying with Duke while I try to figure out a job." I smoothly rub my lips together.

drag me down | grayson dolan Where stories live. Discover now