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jungkook hummed happily to himself, scrolling through twitter while listening to the lofi radio on youtube. he chuckled at some funny tweets and cooed at fawning armys "simping" in the comments. squinting his eyes shut, he stifled a yawn. suddenly, the comforting stillness of jungkook's alone time was interrupted by his duck quacking ringtone. (it was jimin's idea to make the annoying quacking soundtrack his ringtone; the damned pimp)

"hello, who is this?" he answered groggily, trying to pretend that he was asleep so that whoever called him would stop bothering him. but alas, fate likes to play games.

"JUNGKOOK SSI." the speaker roared to life, namjoon's treble tone piercing through his eardrums.

"y...yes rapmon hyung?"


"for the love of god, please stop shouting. i think my eardrums are bleedin-"

"OK THANK U JK BYE" and with that, namjoon hung up.

jungkook sighed. when will this gay harem ever give him a fucking break?


"hey jungkook." namjoon grinned innocently, dimples decorating his cheeks. he gestured towards the mahogany couch in his studio, as a sign of inviting jungkook in.

"so, what's up?"

"well, you see...um...i uh...may or may not..."

"just spit it out hyung nim, you can tell me anything!" jungkook gently nudged, trying his best to look interested.


jungkook blinked.

"i didn't know what to expect, but that took me by surprised. took you long enough, though."

"oh come on, give me a break..." namjoon pouted.

a tattooed arm grabbed namjoon in for a side hug.

"i was kidding~ congrats namjoon you've finally realised your feelings!" jungkook cheered sarcastically.

"you're a brat. anyways, what should i do? it's not exactly...conventional, to have...romantic feelings for a co-worker." the word 'conventional' was enunciated with caution, as if even uttering it was a taboo.

"hey, who cares man. it's your emotions, not society's. plus, i'm sure jimin isn't just a coworker to you."

namjoon blushed profusely. he stammered something along the lines of "that doesn't matter" before burying his reddened face into the palms of his hands.

"why doesn't it matter? if you like it go for it!"

"what if i hinder jimin? i don't want my feelings to put him in an awkward situation."

jungkook laughed.

"it's not funny, kook."

the laughter ceased.

"wait, you're for real?" the leader nodded.

"yeah...i just don't wanna lose him. and my feelings might just do exactly that."

jungkook sighed loudly.

"look, i'm not gonna lie to you," he inhaled deeply, before continuing.

"but i'm pretty sure jimin hyung feels the same. i mean have you seen the way he stares at you."

"but jungkook, what if you're wrong?"

the maknae giggled, "well then i guess you earned a free pass to kicking my ass. maybe i'll also force jimin-ssi to not treat you awkwardly. should i be violent?"

namjoon cracked a small smile.

"thanks, kook."

"hey, there's a reason i'm the best wingman in bts!"

"you're just saying that because you're the only straight in bts."

"is this how you treat your bro rapmon hyung?"

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