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❝am i only another piece of property to you?❞

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after dropping off yoongi at the bts dorm, taeyong walked home. his headphones were plugged in, playing some random music from some random artist who he didn't give two fucks about, while his mind wandered to the skate park.

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taeyong was walking around the park, eyes darting here and there, looking for his hyung worriedly. as he walked near the skate ramps, he spotted a familiar figure circling the bench next to the ramp.



"what are you doing here?" the two asked in synchronisation.

"you first." the red haired male added swiftly.

"well, i was walking to the convenient store there for some midnight snacks," the brunette pointed with his index finger, "and i had to pass through this skate park to get to the other side, and i saw hoseok lying on the pavement just outside the entrance, he looked really sick, so i took him to my dorm for the night. i didn't want to bother him so i crept out, but i think i have to go back now" he finished quickly, glancing at his phone, checking the time.

"what about you then hyung?"


"what are you doing here?"

"well i'm finding suga-hyung but i can't find him."

"yah, i think i just saw him! he's running towards the park with a drink or something i think," he took a breath, and continued, "you could just wait him at the rails."

"thanks youngjae-ssi. owe you big time."

"no worries. come visit us sometime!" the brunette yelled as he sprinted down the deserted streets.

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taeyong chuckled. youngjae was a really nice dongsaeng. he continued walking, the small smile never leaving his face. he turned around the corner. squinting his eyes, he could roughly see the outline of a balcony. without much hesitation, he climbed up the water pipe and leaped onto the spacious balcony.

"taeyong what are you doing here?" jaemin asked as said rapper suddenly realised he had accidentally climbed into the nct dream dorm instead of the 127 dorm.

"oh hi jaemin...i can explain...?"

"as you can see i don't really care what's currently happening and i'm just gonna go to the toilet real quick so toodles" the younger said, padding down the hallways.

taeyong silently thanked every god existing for not waking his members up.

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"where am i?" was the first thing hoseok said as he opened his eyes, only to find himself in a completely empty flat, lying on an unfamiliar couch.

"oh, right..." the ravenette trailed off, remembering how he ended up in his current position.

he walked down the flight of white stairs, only to find jackson in the kitchen, frying an egg, while jamming to his own song "papillon" on speakers, occasionally rapping along.

"uh...jackson?" the blonde turned around in a quick motion, face red with embarrassment.

"oh hoseokie, i...uh...hold a sec" he fumbled to turn off the speakers as they started playing "aite aite aite" rather loudly.

"you really like that song don't you?" hoseok said, laughing lowly as he watched the mumbling younger fumble with his equipment clumsily.

"of course i like it, i produced it didn't i" jackson responded, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"why are you alone, jackson?" the ravenette asked worriedly.

"oh don't worry, my recording is in the afternoon. for now, it's just youngjae, mark and jaebeom," jackson replied, as if reading his mind.

"jinyoung, yugyeom and bambam wanted to eat breakfast with me but i slept in so they just left me alone." the blonde continued, serving the fried eggs onto a plate. hoseok hummed, leaning against the black doorframe.

"oh by the way, what happened last night?"


"don't lie hyung, i saw youngjae drag you into his room through the back door, and that's a rather unusual sight y'know."

"oh...about that..." the ravenette trailed off, a pained look evident on his face.

"oh no, it's fine if you don't wanna talk about it, i was just curious." jackson immediately put down the plate of pancakes he was holding, and placed his large palms on either side of hoseok.

"thanks jackson."

"my pleasure. now dig in, i bet you're hungry." the rapper seated the dancer in the dining room and shoved the plate of pancakes towards him.

"damn, you're right. i am hungry." was the last thing hoseok said before stuffing his face with pancakes and fried eggs.

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just when jackson was about to finish his third pancake, his phone buzzed loudly. he mumbled a quick apology to hoseok who accepted happily, still munching on some pancakes, and sprinted to the bathroom.

"h...hello?" he stuttered, trying hard not to show his worry and fear after seeing the caller ID.

"where the fuck is j-hope?"

[y'all better get your servings of tea ready cuz this is most likely gonna be a long ass ride☠]

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