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"hobi hyung, that's terrible!" renjun exclaimed, as the oldest finished his story, the two younger idols in complete shock.

"i mean, i always knew something was wrong with the way jiminie hyung and ggukie hyung treated you, like they were faking it, but i never expected it to go this far." soobin exhaled, as if subconsciously reminding himself to take a breather before saying anything, so that the ravenette's story could seep in better.

"hyung" renjun spoke up. hoseok was keeping a firm gaze at the hard wooden floor, presumably recovering from the shock of actually stop being a pussy and telling his story to others.

"hyung." renjun tried again, lowering the tone of his voice.

"w...what?" the ash haired idol's heart shattered into a million pieces. his hyung's eyes were glossy, pearl like tears threatening to fall. his lips were quivering, his torso shivering.

soobin must've noticed hoseok's discomfort as well, because he immediately engulfed hoseok into a heartfelt embrace.

"hey....it's gonna be okay..."

"no binnie ah, nothing is right!" hoseok tankedthe taller off his body, curling up into a fetal position.

"what's the matter then?"

"y...you guys don't believe me, don't you?" the ravenette hicupped, staring at the two youngers intensely. when he received no response, he burst into tears, muffled sobs resounding through the room.

"what makes you think we don't believe you, hyung?"

"i...i don't know...maybe i'm being too paranoid and sensitive..." surprisingly, hoseok's cries died down. renjun looked at soobin curiously, only earning a shrug.

"hey...do you want us to go home with you? we can give those fuckers a scolding too" soobin suggested.

hoseok shook his head.

"ok, maybe not... how about we go to the 127 dorm? taeyong and johnny would know what to do. let me see if i can call yuta to come with me too, he's a pretty friendly guy when he's sober."

quietly, renjun opened the door. taking a peek, he could see a faint figure of yuta stepping onto a pile of empty pizza boxes and flopping onto the ground, face first. wincing, the ash haired boy closed the door.

"guess yuta isn't able to join us after all...anyways! to taeyong hyung's bed room we go!"

yoongi sighed. spinning around in his studio, he stared at the ceiling blankly. right on top of his studio was a particular ravenette's room. if he moved one more inch to the right, it'd be his "boyfriend's." right now, he was stuck in the middle, both literally and figuratively. he really liked jimin, there was nothing wrong with the boy.

or so he thought. these past few weeks, (maybe even months, yoongi wasn't so sure anymore) it was as if everything, time and people had came to a halt, and he was the only one who was still moving. it felt like being left alone in a pool of his own thoughts, his desperate, continuous cries of help going unheard. he felt like no one could understand him, could connect with him.

he loved hoseok, from the very start. even back when there were only namjoon, hoseok and himself. he never stopped loving him. but he was so blinded by the affection of jimin, that he strayed away from the original path he treaded on.

"maybe i should ask someone for advice," he thought. as if on cue, a vivid memory of him crying on taeyong's shoulder popped up in his mind. he could fee the younger's warmth embracing him, his velvety, husk voice whispering in his ear that everything would be alright. taeyong.

and that was the only motivation he needed to get out of the suffocating environment of his studio.

[hey hoes i'm back🥴🥴 i'm really motivated now for some reason and idk why🤔 anyways enjoy yoongi's epiphany]

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