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"no jungwoo, please do not throw taeil's toothbrush into the toilet bowl. yuta, please leave winwin alone. for the sake of everyone here....and jeno threw up all over the floor."

taeyong sighed. the velvet haired idol was having a serious headache right now from just taking care of his younger members. they may look like grown adults, but are actually all children at heart. both literally and figuratively. the fact that kun and doyoung were busy running errands for the dorms didn't help either.

"hey baby," the korean boy barely had time to wipe the sweat off his forehead before turning around to investigate who had decided to call for him, when he was so obviously busy.

what he didn't expect, was for a bed-headed jaehyun to engulf the frustrated older into a sloppy back hug. taeyong stared at his boyfriend incredulously. the latter only smiled a lopsided grin, presumably still in a haze. the older screeched.

"did you just wake up? and do you not see how busy i am? the dreamiest got high again yesterday, we should do something to stop this fuckery," the red haired boy mumbled, his fingers doin air quotes subconsciously at the word 'fuckery.'

"yongie it's alright, i can help, take a rest baby," the brunette spoke, already rolling up his sleeves and taking control. well, attempted to. but anyways. it's the thought that counts. plus, taeyong trusted jaehyun enough to let him handle the situation.

taeyong undid the top 2 buttons of his dress shirt that he unfortunately chose to wear, the stiff fabric clinging into his sweaty torso.

then, his phone rang. loud and unexpectedly enough for the velvet haired idol to flinch at the excessive vibrations and the obnoxious ringtone of a duck quacking that jaehyun had insisted taeyong switch to. pressing onto the speakers of his phone, he hurried to the living room and swiped right.



"suga hyung?"

[well i tried]

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