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you don't have the right to abuse me.

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"fine." namjoon said, glaring back.

hoseok was scared. no, scratch that. he was absolutely terrified. looking at his two dongsaengs towering over him like giants made him feel tiny and vulnerable. never mind, he thought.

"hobi-hyung," jackson's voice whispered, "are you ready to sit down and talk?"

"i...um..." why was he hesitating? it's not like he was afraid of talking to namjoon. in fact, that was what he wanted to do for a long time. so why was he stuttering right now?

"hey," the voice whispered again, "it's fine if you don't wanna. i can just tell joon to fuck off."

"n...no, i want to..." he stuttered again, tears threatening to fall from his dark orbs. why is is tone quavering? 

"it's gonna be okay. i promise." jackson said, the blonde smiling sadly before nudging the ravenette in namjoon's direction. he turned, glaring daggers at the mint haired rapper.

"if i hear such as a syllable that is triggering, i will personally fight you, kim." his voice was harsh and unwelcoming.

"okay. now my turn to speak." 

hoseok gulped. this was gonna end well. right?

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"excuse me? are there any family or friends of...jeon....jungkook?"

taehyung shot up in his seat, the young idol fidgeting aggressively due to the nervousness and genuine care he held towards the maknae.

"yes...i'm his bandmate and good friend." he mumbled, letting the nurse lead the way towards the wards.

"mr jeon suffered a broken nose and a slightly sprained wrist, but other than that, after we bandage him properly, he'll be good to go."

"thank you."

"my pleasure. oh by the way mr kim, i have a...more personal question about mr jeon i'd like to ask you."

"ask away." the blue haired boy gestured politely, his hand trembling lightly.

"has mr jeon stopped taking his prescriptions?"


"his prozacs. i found them stuffed in his jeans pocket, and i searched through his medical hsitory a bit. turns out, he has prescriptions of anger antidepressants since about 4 years ago."

"o...oh. i didn't really know about it..."

"well, please remind him that not taking his prozacs may result in excessive aggression, which in turn most likely will lead to violence. he needs to consume them in a daily basic."

"ok, i'll make sure to remind him when he is discharged..." taehyung's mind wandered off, completely unaware of what the nurse continued to talk about.

was that why he's so hostile recently?

"tae tae!" the familiar baritone voice rang loudly beside him. he blinked, staring dumbly at the brunette that was standing in front of him.


"whatchu thinking about?"

"nothing much....how about we go home and play some overwatch?" the blue haired male added lightheartedly, forcing a small grin.

"ah, ok! but i'm gonna beat you!" jungkook added cheekily, smiling widely.

"yeah...you're gonna beat up everyone soon as well..." taehyung whispered to himself.

{this is sort of a filler chap about tae and kook just so you know what exactly happened, but don't worry hoseok gonna burst soon ;) btw i had to google "anger prescriptions" in order to write this chap so yeah that's an experience]

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