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❝this moment of gladness is only temporary❞

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yoongi ran. he had been running since he jumped out of the window to his room and landed on the pavement. he didn't know where he was going to, but he didn't care. he needed to run. he was suffocating.

the grey haired male ran his fingers through his dyed locks, a habit he had picked up from his boyfriend. he pulled his phone from the back pocket from his black ripped jeans, sending a quick text.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·


surprisingly i need ur help rn
can you meet me up in the park in 15 mins

see u there in a bit

+82-533-823-9664 has logged off

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

hoseok ran. he has been running since he had opened his eyes, found himself outside of the park, and heard a voice whispering and muttering behind him. he didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. he had to run. he was suffocating. but he wasn't going forward. his feet were stuck in its place like superglue. so why was he moving downwards? was he falling? would he lose his balance immediately after this?

as expected, the ravenette lost his balance. just as he was about to fall to the hard gravel pavement, a pair of hands grabbed his elbows forcefully, yanking him back on his feet.


"why are you here?" hoseok retorted, confusion evident on his face.

"well it's... it's nothing. should i call namjoon and bring you back home, hobi?"


youngjae frowned.

"what's wrong, hoseokie-ah?" the brunette asked quietly.

"n...nothing. could we stay here for a bit? i don't wanna go back to the dorm yet."

"sure, but i have to record tomorrow, so i'm bringing you to the got7 dorm for the night."

"thank you youngjae-ah!" the ravenette beamed at the younger.

"let's go then."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── ·

the duo arrived at the got7 dorm, its doors locked firmly. hoseok panicked. maybe got7 didn't really want him there after all. he glanced at youngjae for help. 

instead of looking annoyed like his bandmates, youngjae gave the dancer a comforting smile and put his index finger to his lip, signalling him to be quiet. he then pulled out a spare key from the pocket of his grey hoodie, and quietly crept to the back lawn.

"this key opens the back door, so we don't have to pass through all the member's rooms."

"thank you so much, youngjae."

"haha, it's nothing, really. here, come in." the brunette unlocked the door, helping the ravenette in, since he was starting to lose bis balance again.

"here, you'll sleep on my bed for now, bave some rest hyung." youngjae said, turning off the lights.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"so what's up yoongi-hyung?" taeyong asked, as the elder approached him, sitting on the metal rails in silence.

"give me a minute to think about what i'm going to say please taeyongie."



"okay, i'm ready to talk."

"take your time hyung."

 "it's...i don't really know how to explain it...but like...i think a proper way to express it would be...um...i don't know if i'm actually happy with my current life..."

"what do you mean hyung? you're making music, just as you wanted!" the red haired male asked in confusion.

"no you idiot, not that! i mean...my...personal life..."

"oh you mean...jimin?"

"sort of..."

"ah." the younger nodded in understanding. yoongi took a sip of his black coffee he had bought while hurrying to the park.

"what problems are you encountering currently then hyung?" taeyong asked again, running his bony fingers through his dyed locks.

"i don't know...just...i don't think i love him anymore...? the emotions are confusing and i don't know what the fuck is wrong with me!" he said, fists balling up in reflex.

"i see..." the red haired male nodded again. 

after a couple minutes of silence, taeyong heard soft sobs. they were from yoongi. the younger wrapped an arm around the sobbing rapper, pulling his head towards his chest, softly patting his grey locks. he had done this a lot of times whenever his members were scolded by their managers, or were feeling down.

 "p...promise you won't tell anyone?"

"of course i won't hyung-nim. come on, let's get you home." 

"i don't wanna go alone..." the elder trailed off.

"i'll go with you."

" are you sure? you have dance practice tomorrow."

"i'm confident. tomorrow is mainly for the other members to get familiar with the choreography, while me and ten are just helping."

"thank you taeyongie ah." yoongi flashed a gummy smile.

"no worries." taeyong grinned back.

[double surprise lmao]

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