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hoseok focused his eyes on the mirror in front of him, observing his body's fluid-like motions like a circling eagle ready to pounce on its prey. cautiously yet elegantly, he took a small step forwards, his bare feet hitting the ground with an almost soundless thud.

"oi, hobi hyung!"

"taehyung! just a second."

the empowering "performance" demeanour immediately dissipated as hoseok went to pause the music and jog towards the entrance of the practice room.

"do you want chicken? me and jin hyung ordered two buckets." the blue haired singer chirped, toeing off his dress shoes.

"taehyung the floor is dirty...and you're barefoot. fucking wipe your feet before leaving or else..."

taehyung flashes his signature boxy smile.

"ok, hyungie!"

"i'm guessing jin hyung will be here soon?"

"yeah, in fact, he should be here any time now."

"yoohoo bitches~ missed me?"

"jin hyung!" two eager voices replied.

"i brought food as well too, it's..."

"...is it what i think it is?" taehyung whispered, eyes glowing in excitement. hoseok internally laughed at the sight. a 25 year old man, gleefully bouncing on the balls of his feet, all because of some fried chicken his hyung bought him.

"it's the honey flavoured spicy chicken, i know you really like that flavour."

taehyung cheered.

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