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"hi, this is jackson's pre-recorded voice and he's unavailable right now, so just leave a quick message after the boop and i'll contact you soon. well, unless you're a stranger. in that case expect a rate of 100.0% to be blocked, correct to 3 significant figures," 

jinyoung sighed. jackson really was that ridiculous, even in his voicemail message.

"boopsies! got carried away, please do leave your message."

"hey wangie," the brunette exhaled shakily, eyes red and limbs sore, "where are you? we've been looking for you."

"he's still not picking up?" jaebum sighed, approaching the younger.

"yeah." he sniffled, tossing his phone onto the sofa.

"aw youngie," the ravenette smiled, "come here."

jinyoung leaned into his best friend's embrace, jaebum rubbing his back soothingly.

"i...i don't know what to do, beomie," 

"i'm scared...what's gonna happen to jackson?" the brunette sobbed.

"it's gonna be okay pal,"

"i promise."

"see i told you we're gonna let you completely loose tonight," jaemin smirked, downing his cup of appletini. the duo were seated in a circle on the living room, along with mark, jeno, jisung, haechan, chenle, and quite surprisingly yuta, lucas wong and ten. the last three unexpected guests, according to chenle's word, had heard about the fun from mark and decided to pay the 'dreamies' a visit, but mostly to join in the fun. the txt members, well except their leader, were long gone, as they had practice early in the morning. as for soobin, he was still immersed in his conversation with renjun and hoseok.

"well i suppose having some fun in once a while won't hurt." 

"huh," ten scoffed, head hung high.

"it appears you have unexpectedly low standards, i mean, this is basic saturday night for us, wang," the mint haired boy straightened his shirt as he walked towards the sofa, the soles of his dress shoes clicking against the floor.

"dreamies, since we have a guest, i suggest taking the fun up a notch." he winked, pulling 5 big bottles of tequila out from his bag, elegantly placing them on a coffee table nearby.

"what, we playing beer pong or something?" jackson joked. he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol prior, indubitably under jaemin's persuasion, and it was starting to intoxicate him, espeially in the common sense field.

"thought you'd already had that game started!" lucas raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"erm no," yuta interrupted, "as fun as that and this party, or more precisely gathering may seem, it's still rather...basic."

"well what do you suggest then?" mark inquired, a wicked twinkle in his eyes.


ten flipped the bottles face down. attached on the bottoms of each container were a small packet of unknown substance, 5 in total. the mint haired boy pulled them out forcefully, dangling them in the air as if they were a prized trophy.

"you wanna take a wild guess what these sweet little devils are, wang?" the dancer leered, waving the packets in front of jackson's face.

"milk powder?"

"um...good guess, but not quite." the blonde could see lucas stifling a guffaw in the corner.


"getting further away." yuta gritted, his voice strained, thickly laced with impatience. he cleared his throat, barely covering his displeasure with a tight-lipped smile.

"i don't know man, uh, some kind of..."

"wait a minute," jackson stood up, stumbling a bit.

"these...aren't d...drugs, aren't they?"

"bingo." lucas clicked his tongue, his face breaking into a smirk.

"coke, if we're being precise" haechan piped lazily, already making grabby hands at the substances.

"nuh-uh, get your filthy hands off them, you brat, they're mine." ten scoffed, placing the cocaine even further from the silver haired boy.

"uh, rude."

"ask nicely and i'll consider giving you a small pinch."

"fuck off, you'll give in eventually."

"look guys, i appreciate the effort, but i'm not doing drugs."

"says who?" jeno suddenly stated.

"says my...uh...conscience. i don't wanna be an addict, and i know how toxic the shit you got are. i have a fucking reputation to uphold."

lucas groaned loudly.

"y'know, i was truly not expecting you to be so squeaky clean,"

the brunette strolled towards jackson. one step, two steps, three steps.

"but from my experience,"

lucas didn't stop, only inching closer and closer to the blonde.

"it's usually these fellows who are the least resilient to firsts."

jackson gulped. what had he gotten himself into?

'besides," the two hong kongers were in close proximity now, the bubbles of their own personal space all throw out of the window. chest to chest, hip to hip, face to face.

"wouldn't hurt to have a try" he breathed, chuckling darkly.


"what do you say, darling, hm?"

"well, seems like jackson's having fun." hoseok smiled, peeping out the corridor.

"yeah, i suppose so."

"hey," soobin leaned towards hoseok, "is everything okay?"

"no, i'm afraid not," the ravenette dropped his smile, head hung low as he hunched forward.

"mind sharing with us?"

soobin glared at the red headed boy, clearly unamused.

"what? if we're gonna help him, i think at least we should be informed on his recent events so that our advice can be more objective," 

the tall brunette huffed.

"fine! i hate to admit it, but he's right, seok hyung, you gotta tell us what's wrong, or we're not able to help you!"

"i... ok, it's a long, complicated story, but promise you'll hear me out?"

"anything for you." renjun stated, a warm tint in his flickering gaze.

"ok. here goes nothing."

[hello kids don't do drugs :)))) also sorry i know the past few chapters are shit but i promise the real shit's getting closer😌] 

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